
It's a simple python script to remmember opened files used when working in some named context. As Mylyn for eclipse

Primary LanguagePython


It's a simple python script to remmember opened files used when working in some named context. As Mylyn for eclipse


git clone git://github.com/matubaum/contexts.git
chmod +x contexts/contexts
sudo ln -s contexts/contexts /usr/local/bin/contexts


Create a new context

We are creating a context called "bug123". Go to your project dir.

cd /my/project
contexts bug123
# Here it going to ask you to add your files you are using separated by an space.

Add another file to your context

contexts add bug123 another_file.txt

Open your context

contexts bug123
# It's going to open your files with vim, but you can edit the file to open it with another editor or ide.

List all your contexts

contexts ls