CMS based on Symfony2 This is a ßeta project.
You need to have these dependencies installed:
php >= 5.4
with extensions enabled:intl
- Composer: Download composer
- Node.js stable version: Install Node.js
- Grunt.js: Install it with
npm install -g grunt-cli
(as superuser)
Make sure you have the Requirements listed above installed.
Clone the repo
git clone cd rosario-cms
Install dependencies using composer:
composer.phar install
Create from template config file set up the database connection:
3.1. cp app/config/parameters.yml.dist app/config/parameters.yml
3.2. Open with a text editor app/config/parameters.yml
. Since we're still on development stage, you can avoid this since we already have an sqlite3 database with some data.
- Install node dependencies and run grunt tasks.
4.1. Install node dependencies npm install
4.2. Install bower dependencies: grunt bower:install
4.3. Run all tasks grunt
- Run the app
php app/console server:run
- Static website
- Strong integration with JS (maybe through AngularJS)
- Extensions
- Pages, directory
- Calendar
- Blog, Blog Post
- Etc, etc
- Skineable
- Structure (how each content is displayed)
- Coordinator
- Assets (js/css/images)
The system consists on two main compontents: content and anchors.
Anchors are used to show the content in every moment, at least there must be the following anchors:
- Organizator
Set the possible blocks, for example 'header, 'menu', 'content', each one can be completed with another anchor.
- Crude
To show content without modifications (specially binary, images, JS, CSS)
- Specific List content in an specific way.
Each content defines its own data as well as its relationship with other content.
- Binary
- Page
- Directory
Coding standards