
Track progress of different items on discord. Made with discord.js

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Progress bot (DiscordJS)

A simple bot to track progress towards numeric goals. Just use !track <item> <value> to create a tracked item, and then add your progress by using !add <item> <amount to add to the progress>.

Other Commands

!check <item> checks an item progress !delete <item> stop tracking and removes that item from db !deduct <item> <amount to deduct from progress> deducts from the current progress.

How to install and run

Create a new application at https://discordapp.com/developers/applications/ and then turn it into a bot application. From the bot section you will be able to pull your bot token:

Create a config.json file (theres an example of it with the extension .example in the project), then add your bot token there.

After that, just run the app with node index.js and you should be good to go!

To invite your own bot to your server edit this url with your client id provided at the discord dev site https://discordapp.com/oauth2/authorize?client_id=<your_client_id>&scope=bot

Github Issues

For feature request, bugs and other issues, feel free to submit them via github issues