
Primary LanguageJavaScript



To install package.json dependencies in a way where the native modules are built with electron, run:

$ ./install.sh

Then, you want to make sure app/dist is populated. I recommend running webpack with --watch so that any changes you make to the app are detected.

$ cd app/
$ npm install
$ webpack --watch

Then you can run in the main directory:

$ npm start

...to launch the app!


  • Warn upon quit
  • Implement memory for tab navigation like in Chrome
  • Clone pwd when opening a new tab (as the first plugin?)
  • Implement cmd+K to clear
  • Listen on resize event coming from the pty.
  • Make sure all popular shells work well, and that we detect "url commands" appropriately for them.
  • Figure out process title extraction on other platforms.
  • Define extensibility surface and APIs
  • Define approach to conf management (~/.hyperterm.json ?)
  • When webview is shown, replace title of tab with webview's title
  • Linkify urls in stdout. If clicked, inline webview. If cmd+clicked, default browser.
  • Show icon that triggers contextmenu in tab, when hovered.
    • "Open in default browser" option in webview mode
    • Close
  • Test on Windows, Linux
  • Investigate startup time improvements
    • Optimistic (mosh-style) prompt that memoizes PS1
    • Smaller bundle (ie: uglify, but currently doesnt work with ES6)
    • Inline all the CSS/JS in the page instead of extra file