
This API provides services to create and play the Minesweeper game.

Getting started

Run in a local environment

clone this repository
go run main.go

Run with docker

docker build -t minesweeper .
docker run -p 8080:8080 -d minesweeper



Creates a new game with a specific configuration

Method: POST


do Body

    "rows": 10,
    "columns": 10,
    "bombs": 30


    "id": "fba225fb-07bc-4ad5-9ab9-6756d135ef9c",
    "board": {
        "squares": [
                    "type": 0,
                    "revealed": false,
                    "marked": false
        "status": "new"
    "started_at": 0,
    "elapsed_time": 0
id string the game unique id
board object the board with the squares
board.squares matrix of objects a matrix of squares
board.squares[x].type int enum {1 2} 1. represents an empty square 2. represents a square with a bomb
board.squares[x].revealed bool indicates whether the square has been revealed
board.squares[x].marked bool indicates whether the square has been marked with a question symbol
board.status string enum {"new", "won", "lost", "on_going"} - new: the game has not been started yet - won: the game has been won - lost: the game has been lost - on_going: the game has started but not finished
game.started_at int the timestamp when the game has started
game.elapsed_time int the seconds that has been elapsed since the game began


Get a game by id

Method: GET


Mark square

Add a question mark to a square

Method: UPDATE



    "row": 2,
    "column": 3

Play square

This is the endpoint to start playing the game. Reveals the square and set the game status.

Method: UPDATE



    "row": 2,
    "column": 3


  • I adopted an hexagonal architecture approach to separate the different layers.
  • Due to de lack of time, the persistance layer has been implemented as a local key value store. It can be easily changed to a DynamoDB by implementing the game Storage interface.
  • All the endpoints returns an obfuscated json for the game entity to hide the bombs locations and internal state.