
A Discord Bot that runs CMD commands, JS scripts & Custom Commands.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Discord-CommandLine is a template for a discord bot, made to simply add custom commands & run CMD commands on the local machine.


  • Create custom commands for a Discord bot.
  • Run windows CMD commands on your local machine.
  • Run JS scripts.


  • Nodejs (npm)


Step 1

Run setup.bat to create all the base files & install dependencies.

Step 2

Add your bot token & the ID of your discord server channel in the user/options.json files. You can obtain a token from the Discord Dev Protal after having created a new Application & Discord bot.

    "accessJS": [],
    "accessCMD": []

See how you can obtain your channel ID here

See how to obtain a Discord Bot & its token here

Step 3 (Optional)

Add custom command bindings in the user/commands.js file.

Step 4

Launch run.bat to start the bot.

Run Windows CMD commands


$cmd yourCMDcommand

User input in discord channel :

$cmd dir

Bot reply :

Volume in drive C is Windows
 Volume Serial Number is XXXX-XXXX

 Directory of C:\Your\Path\to\repo\Discord-CommandLine\build

2021-02-24  09:47 AM    <DIR>          .
2021-02-24  09:47 AM    <DIR>          ..
2021-02-24  11:36 AM             3,312 index.js
               1 File(s)          3,312 bytes
               2 Dir(s)  74,909,536,256 bytes free
Add && to write multiple cmd commands

try :

$cmd cd.. && dir

Add Custom Commands

Add the custom commands in user/commands.js.

commands.add('COMMAND_NAME', function , permissions);

Custom Command examples

Simple command

commands.add('ping',() => (

User input in discord channel :


Bot reply :


Command with arguments

commands.add('mult',(arg) => (
    arg[0] * arg[1]

User input in discord channel :

$mult 4 5

Bot reply :


Command with no return

commands.add('loop',(arg) => {
    for (let i = 0; i < arg[0]; i++) {

User input in discord channel :

$loop 4

Bot reply :


Add permissions to a command

commands.add('ping',(arg) => {

UserB would not be able to use this command while UserA & UserC can. You might want to disable allowJS because this allows for permissions changes.

Run JS scripts

The allowJS property in user/options.json should be set to "true" for the feature to be enabled.


User input in discord channel :

        let a = 10;
        let b = 4;

Bot reply :