
Source code for the scala.world 2015 talk about akka-stream / akka-http

Primary LanguageScala

Sources for the akka-stream / akka-http scala.world 2015 conference talk

To test, run this in sbt:

backend/runMain example.repoanalyzer.Step6

Then, open the browser at http://localhost:8080. All the other steps should work as well.

Geo IP resolution uses the server at http://freegeoip.net/ which only allows a certain quota of free requests per period (though requests will be cached between runs, see Cache and the ip-cache folder). Also, we experienced some downtime of this free server so we included part of the cache with the source code.

The sources contain an example log file to replay which contains a big amount of nonsense data in the right format.

Here's the output of running Step5:

Step 5 output screencast