Data Science Portfolio

Collection of projects I've done for self learning purposes using Python.


  • Abstractive Text Sumarization: Abstractive text summarization. Used an Encoder-Decoder arquitecture with attention and pre-trained embeddings (GloVe). Beam search used for inference. Rouge scores: Rouge-1, 23.27; Rouge-2, 15.30; Rougue-L: 24.47. Skills: Word Embeddinigs, Tensorflow 2, Sequence Modeling

  • Extractive Text Sumarization App: Extractive text summarization app using TextRank with Gensim. Deployed to heroku with Flask. Link to App: Skills: NLP, Flask.

  • Application Screenig: A classification model using text features to predict whether or not a project proposal submitted wiil be approved. Skills: Feature Engineering, Text manipulation, LightGBM

  • Predicting Boston Housing Prices: A model for price prediction using tree-based models. Bayesian Optimization used for Hyperparameter tunning on XGBoost. Skills: Data manipulation, Random Forest, XGBoost