
Source code for simulating a Home Energy Management System with Deep Reinforcement Learning

Primary LanguagePython


This python library storest code for a conference paper about smart home energy management using Deep Reinforcement Learning. It is possible for the user to train their own DRL agent, as well as load pre-trained models and test the agent's performance.


To begin using the code, just clone the repository: git clone https://github.com/maticpokorn/HEMS_DQN.git


The project requires the following libraries to be installed:

pip install tqdm
pip install torch torchvision
pip install matplotlib
pip install numpy
pip install pandas


To use the functionalities of this repository, we must first import the module into our own .py or .ipynb file:

import HEMS

Training an agent

The below code trains a new RL agent:

manager = HEMS.HEMS()

The HEMS class has a few parameters:

  • load(default = False): tells the object to initialize from a pre-trained network
  • path (default = None): path to directory from where to load if load = True
  • battery (default = 20): maximum battery capacity in kWh
  • max_en (default = 1.5): maximum energy in kWh that can be charged or discharged from the battery in a single step (in our case in a 15 min window)
  • eff (default = 0.9): input / output battery efficiency
  • price_coefs (default = [2,1]): price coefficients. They specifiy by how much the market price from the dataset should be multiplied to get buying and selling price of energy. This is an artificial way to introduce Distribution System Operator charges.
  • n_days (default = 2): number of past days that will be stored in the environment state
  • data_path (default = 'data/rtp.csv'): specifies the dataset with which pricing model to use

Optional parameters for manager.train() function:

  • a (default = 3): weight parameter for reward function
  • b (default = 3): weight parameter for reward function
  • n_episodes (default = 200): number of training episodes
  • epsilon_reduce (default = 0.98): factor by which the exploration rate (epsilon) is reduced after each episode
  • n_days (default = 2): number of past days that will be stored in the environment state
  • n_steps (dafault = 7 * 24 * 4): number of steps to take each episode (the default is equal to one week)


The following code saves the manager to a directory called 'my_net':


Loading from a saved directory

To load a pre-trained model, we must create a new manager with the load parameter set to True:

manager = HEMS.HEMS(load=True, path='saved_nets/my_net')



Due to the unstable nature of the DQN algorithm, meaningful trainig results can sometimes only be achieved by significantly increasing the number of episodes or training the agent over and over (>10 times) until results are satisfactory. This is very computationally intensive and is also the reason why pre-trained managers are important for demonstrating the performance of the algorithm.

What happens under the hood

This is a Deep Reinforcement Learning library for Smart Home Energy Management. In RL, we usually need to define a RL ENVIRONMENT on which a RL AGENT is trained. That is why the HEMS class initialises an Env class from env.py (the environment) and a DQN class from dqn.py (the agent - in this case the agent is defined as an algorithm called DQN). If load == False the environment and agent are initilaised inside the train() function. If load == True the environment and agent are loaded from the saved folder.

Using env.py independently

env.py defines the RL environment for this particular problem. It follows the prinicple of an environment definition in the RL library 'gymnasium'.


To initialise the environment, we call the class Env. It has the following paramenters:

  • df pandas datadrame from which the environment will be sourced
  • full_battery_capacity (default = 20)
  • max_energy (default = 1.5)
  • eff (default = 0.9)
  • price_coefs (default = [2,1])
  • n_days (default = 2) number of days from which the environment will store the data
  • n_steps (default = 1000) length of episode
  • test (default = False) if set to False, it will initialise the environment at a random index in df, considering n_steps as the length of an episode. If set to True, it will initialise the environment at index low and expect to end the episode at high
  • low (default = 0) index in df at which the episode will begin if test == True
  • high (default = 30000) index in df at which the episode will end if test == True


  • reset(seed) resets the environment with seeded randomness if test == False, otherwise it begins at low
  • next_observation() returns the most recent step
  • next_observation_normalized() returns normalised values of the most recent step (used for feeding into neural net)
  • step(action) takes a step with action action and returns the next step, reward from the transition and whether the episode is to be terminated. Additionally it returns data about how much energy was exchanged between entities in the system


│   README.md
|   dqn.py
|   env.py
|   HEMS.py
│   │   rtp.csv
│   │   tou.csv
│   |   tou2.csv


Repository: https://github.com/maticpokorn/HEMS_DQN.git


Copyright 2023 Matic Pokorn The code in this project is licensed under MIT license.


The research leading to these results was supported in part by the HORIZON-MSCA-IF project TimeSmart No. 101063721, H2020 project BD4OPEM (grant agreement ID: 872525), and by the Slovenian Research Agency under the grant P2-0016.