GraphQL Server - Github Auth

This example shows how to implement Github Authentication with GraphQL Server, using graphql-yoga and other tools.

Getting started

Initializing the Prisma Database service

prisma deploy # copy simple API endpoint into the `PRISMA_ENPOINT` env var in .env

Setting up the Github OAuth2

You need to configure these credentials from a new Github OAuth2 app as environment variables:

  1. Go to and navigate to your profile. Click on your profile icon in the upper right corner and enter Settings.
  2. In the lower left side find Developer Settings and navigate to OAuth Apps.
  3. Click New OAuth App and give your app a nice name. For the purposes of the example, it is best to set the Homepage URL to http://localhost:8000 and Authorization callback URL to http://localhost:8000/login. (Application description is optional).
  4. Register the application.
  5. Copy Client ID and Client Secret to the .env file.

Testing with WEB

  • Replace __CLIENT_ID__ in login.html
  • Serve login.html, for example by using python -m SimpleHTTPServer
  • Open https://localhost:8000/login.html in a browser, open the DevTools and authenticate with your Github account
  • Copy the code printed in the Console of your DevTools

Testing with "simple hack"

In order to obtain Github code you can also use this little hack.

  1. Navigate to{GITHUB_CLIENT_ID}&scope=user and replace {GITHUB_CLIENT_ID} with your Github client ID.
  2. Authorise access to the account and you will be redirected to localhost:8000/login.html?code={GITHUB_CODE}.
  3. Copy the {GITHUB_CODE} part of localhost:8000/login.html?code={GITHUB_CODE} url to your GraphQL playground where you can test authentication.

Queries and Mutations

  1. To authenticate the user use Mutation authenticate:
mutation LoginOrSignup {
    authenticate(githubCode: "mygithubcode") {
        user {

Every time authenticate is called user info is loaded from Github server using provided code. If code is valid, user id is compared against existing users. If no user with such id exists, new one is created, otherwise the existsing one is returned.

  1. To get info about currently authenticated user use Query me:
query Me {
    me {
        notes {

Server will use the token, provided under Authorization: Bearer <token> http header, to identify userId and will search the database for an existsing user.

  1. To create a Note use Mutation createNote, this will create a note connected with your profile.
mutation NewNote {
    createNote(text: "Super cool text.") {

query MyProfile {
    me {
        notes { # <- Note will appear here
  1. To read, delete or update Note you will have to be authenticated, otherwise NotAuthorized Error will be returned.
query MyNote($id: ID!) {
    note(id: $id) { text }

Starting the Server

yarn install
yarn start
# Open http://localhost:5000/
