
The Battle of 2 Armies Simulator

Primary LanguagePHP


The Battle of 2 Armies Simulator


A requirement to run this project inside of docker is, obviously, docker-compose & docker locally configured.


Start (and pull/build) containers: docker-compose up -d

Install composer packages bin/composer install

App is up and ready to be used at http://localhost:8080.


Application / Routes

Route definitions can be found inside of app/routes.php.

There is GET /battle route with parameters army1 and army2 which is used as battle simulator and it shows result of battle with list of events that occurred during battle.

Other route GET / is just "homepage" with title of project.

Domain (src/BattleSimulation/)

Battle is simulated through src/BattleSimulation/Battle.php with all possible events that can happen on battle created as implementation of src/BattleSimulation/Event/BattleEvent.php.

Battle is fully random through \Armeerenko\BattleSimulation\BattleSimulator::simulate() where a few events may happen:

  1. Army1 attacks Army2 (attack can be successful or failed),
  2. Army2 attacks Army1 (attack can be successful or failed),
  3. Random explosion that can hurt one or both armies.

(Mini) Framework (framework/)

There is simple "framework" created for this application/project that simplifies routing.


There is no env variables/configuration implemented, just docker containers for web and php-fpm. There are few helper scripts available inside of bin/ directory to simplify development.