Aurelia application is based on typescript skeleton showing some cool features and basic plugin configuration. Users page contains some of the concepts.
- OAuth2 User Authentication
- Infinite scroll feature for grids / containers
- Back to top button used for infinite scroll
- Grid (sorting, paginating) - custom private plugin implementation
- Infinite scroll for grid (used for paging) - aurelia-infinite-scroll
- Back to top - for grid and long pages - aurelia-back-to-top
- Form validation - aurelia-validation & aurelia-validatejs
- OData API request support - custom private plugin implementation
- UI Notifications - aurelia-notify
- User authentication using OAuth2 - aurelia-oauth
- User authorization (show/hide ui elements, protect ui routes) - aurelia-permission in progress...
- Global Loading Bar feature for all api requests
- Bootstrap UI controls - code to wrap with custom elements most of controls
- Nice switch button - similar in look to this angular bootstrap button