
Low Carb eating options in DTLA

Primary LanguageHTML


For those of us looking for low carb lunch options in DTLA.


index.html - Displays a map with markers of restaurants.

data/low-carb-data.json - JSON output from Google Spreadsheet of data

To add to the spreadsheet of food options, fill in this Google Form: http://goo.gl/forms/wUc5rzGmFl


  1. Fork it!
  2. Make your changes!
  3. Commit your changes: git commit -am '<description-here>'
  4. Open a pull request!

Restaurant Info for JSON file

Structure for additional restaurants in the JSON file:

"<id>" : {
  "address" : "<street-address>",
  "food" : [ "<food-item>", "<food-item>" ],
  "lat" : <latitude>,
  "lng" : <longitude>,
  "name" : <restaurant-name>,
  "type" : <restaurant-genre>

id: A unique identifier for the restsaurant: the first 5 letters of restaurant name plus a number, starting at 1.

address: The restaurant's street address.

food: Low carb food options at this restaurant - types of food or specific menu items.

lat: Latitude coordinate of the restaurant.

lng: Longitude coordinate of the restaurant.

name: The restaurant's name.

type: The category of food the restaurant serves. If the type does not already exist in the JSON, add it to the types array.


    "" : {
      "address" : "",
      "food" : [ "" ],
      "lat" : ,
      "lng" : ,
      "name" : ,
      "type" : 

Restaurants to potentially add:

  • Seoul Sausage - veggie bowl/side options?
  • Manuela - vegetables, salad
  • Comfort LA - wings, greens
  • Yuko Kitchen - salads
  • Ledlow - salads
  • Spread Mediterranean - salad bowl
  • Birdies - fried chicken
  • Wurstkuche - sausages, no bun
  • Bar Ama - vegetables
  • Baco Mercat - vegetables
  • Hoke Poke - poke


  • Layer for DASH routes on map.
  • Layer for Metro bike stations.
  • Layer for Metro rail stations.
  • Map toggling for: restaurants near DASH/Metro bike/Metro rail, food type, open now.
  • More restaurant details: website, hours.