
Ruby client for Nordea Siirto API

Primary LanguageRuby


Client for Nordea Bank's Siirto API, which enables payments to specific Finnish banks.

Gem currently implements the following requests:

Module Description Method Endpoint
Nordea::Siirto::AccessToken Fetches access token from remote and stores it, if previous one has expired. POST /auth
Nordea::Siirto::Lookup Fetches new LookupId for each payment request, when Nordea::Siirto.pay is called GET /lookup/uuid
Nordea::Siirto::Pay Sends Iban payment. Client should call Nordea::Siirto.pay directly POST /payment/pay

Nordea::Siirto defines the gem's intended public interface.


  opts = {
    server: :test, # or :prod
    username: '<username>',
    api_token: '<api-token>'


Initialization can be done only once.

Required initialization parameters

Params Description Value
:server Select either test or production server :test OR :prod
:username Siirto customer's username String
:api_token Siirto customer's api token String

Optional initialization parameters

Param Description Default value
:logger Logger, must implement :info method that takes in String-parameter. Rails::Logger
:tag Logging tag. "Nordea::Siirto"
:redis Redis instance, or other storage, which has redis-like implementation for methods :set, :expire, :get. REDIS
:protocol HTTP protocol. See current protocol implementations for reference. Nordea::Siirto::Protocols::NetHttp.new



  payload = {
    amount: 500, # cents, equal to 5,00€
    currency: 'EUR',
    bene_last_name: 'FamilyName',
    bene_first_names: ['FirstName', 'SecondName'], # must be an array
    bene_account_number: 'FI38 1572 3500 0456 61' # the only value test server will accept
  Nordea::Siirto.pay(payload) # => Nordea::Siirto::Response object

Client should check code (http status), message and body values from the Response object.

Other allowed parameters are documented in Siirto documentation. Parameters must be given in snake_case format. For instance parameter beneficiaryMinimumAge becomes :beneficiary_minimun_age.

Run tests

  % bundle install
  % rspec test/lib/nordea/siirto