
Personal configuration files and scripts I use on a daily basis.

Primary LanguageShell


alt text

  • Window Manager : i3-gaps;
  • Terminal : alacritty
  • Shell : zsh
  • Editor : neovim
  • Compositor : picom-tryone-git
  • Terminal Font : Hack Nerd Font
  • Status Bar : polybar
  • Locker : i3lock (with blur-lock script) ; xautolock
  • Screen Capturing : scrot; flameshot
  • Clipboard Manager : xclip
  • Audio tool : pactl; pacmixer
  • File Manager : ranger
  • Image Viewer : sxiv ; feh
  • Video Player : mpv
  • Document Viewer : zathura
  • Hotkey Daemon : sxhkd
  • Notification Daemon : dunst
  • Hotkey Daemon : sxhkd

Scripts I use on a daily basis.

  • install-dotfiles.sh - Installs all of my packages, creates all of the symlinks to my configuration files, among other things.

  • wallpaper - Picks a random picture from a given directory and changes the wallpaper using a symlink.

  • lock - Collection of scripts for locking computer.

    • my-lock-script - Suspends computer after a certain amount of time if no audio is being played. (main script which requires blur-lock and lock-on-supend).

    • blur-lock - Provides i3-lock with a blurred screenshot of the computer just before it was locked.

    • lock-on-supend - Locks computer only before it's suspended (i3-lock can)

  • fetch-iso - Gets the most recent Arch Linux ISO magnet and installs it with my bitorrent client.

  • termFromHere - Opens terminal in the current working directory (currently not in use because Alacritty supports this by default).

  • alternating_layouts.py - Opens new windows using the opposite splith/splitv layout as the parent.

  • spotify_status.py - Returns information about the song which is currently being played on Spotify

  • change_ip - Replaces my raspberry pi's old internal ip address in .ssh/configwith the new one. (temporary fix for a constantly-changing ip address)

  • f - A file explorer and app launcher based on fzf which opens files with their default apps, including vim.

  • vim-anywhere - A script which creates a temporary file and opens it with neovim and then copies what was written to it to clipboard. (when you want to type a lot in a website/app and still want to use neovim)

  • updateReadMe - Script which updates my dotfile's README.md whenever I create a new script. It prompts me for a description of the newly created script.

  • nospace - Removes spaces from filenames (made by JFF)

  • lyrics - Fetches lyrics for a given song or the current playing song on spotify by default

  • ssh_menu - Dmenu which shows all hosts in config file and starts an ssh connection with the selected one.

  • crypto.sh - Gets current value of my choice of cryptocurrencies and calculates how much money I have in my crypto wallet in euros

  • changeMeWall.spell - Pick colors for current wallpaper to be used in dmenu

  • rotate_monitor.sh - Toggle rotates monitor

  • dmenu_script.sh - Launches custom dmenu with history and commonly used programs

  • test_code.sh - Tests my program's output files against teacher's

  • spotify_lyrics - Script I made which continuously displays lyrics for current song playing on spotify (updates as song changes).

  • spotify_song_info - Displays information about the current song playing on spotify

  • refresh_firefox.sh - Refreshes firefox

  • termfromhere-ssh - Opens another terminal with the same cwd as the focused one. Works while using an ssh connection