
A simple web page where to save your favourite football teams and watch their youtube videos.


You need to install:

MongoDB v3.4.0

Node v6.9.1

$ git clone

Server side

Open a terminal pane and run the following code

$ cd football_api

$ npm install

$ npm run seed

$ npm start

Port is set to 4000

Client side

Open a second terminal pane and run the following code

$ cd football_react

$ npm install

$ npm start

Port is set to 3000

Build with

  • MongoDB
  • Express
  • React
  • Redux
  • Node

Packages used

  • passport-jwt
  • bcrypt
  • axios
  • redux-thunk
  • styled-components


  1. Signup
  2. Choose you team
  3. Select the team
  4. Select the video
  5. Watch Football