
All files -including problem sets and slides (forthcoming)- will be uploaded here.

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Admin Guide

Theoretical Homeworks

  1. Use this template to create a new repository for the homework. The name of the repository should follow the pattern of <S (for Spring) or F (for Fall)><year>-T<homework-number>-P<part-number>. For example F2021-T1-P1.

  2. Push the questions and solutions to the repository. The PDF of the homework will be generated automatically to the build branch of that repository.

  3. Release the homework using this action. Inputs:

    • The repository name. (e.g. F2021-T1-P1)
    • PDF file to be released (MUST be built inside build branch)
    • Path to the target file (e.g. problem_sets/rohban_f2021/theoretical/T1/T1P1_questions.pdf)