Interactive dashboard to analyze UFO sighting data.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Overview of Project


The purpose of this project is to analyze UFO sighting data and allow users to filter for criteria of city, state, country, and shape. A table is created with JavaScript to filter the data based on specific criteria. The table is fully dynamic and reacts to user input.

Click here to view the live project!


How to perform a search

Filter Search

Navigate to the Filter Search form and modify any of the following parameters
  • Date (MM/DD/YYYY)
  • City (city name)
  • State (two letter abbreviation)
  • Country (two letter abbreviation)
  • Shape

Filter Search

Clear Search

There are two ways to clear the filters:

Navigate to Navbar Header and click on "UFO Sightings"

Clear Search 1

Navigate to Filter Search form and delete all of the parameters

Clear Search


The UFOs filter is a functional project; however, it has drawbacks to the design.

For instance, the data is not pre-processed and is not standardized. To elaborate, a user may filter by state and input California or CA, and there would be no filtered results. There are no filtered results because the current dataset has all states in an abbreviated lowercase format. The existing design only matches identical results. An ideal scenario would pre-process all state data into a specific standard such as the ANSI standard INCITS 38:2009. Finally, the state textbox would be removed and switched with a dropdown box with all available states.

Another suggestion, the date textbox datatype can be switched from text to date. Ideally, the date data would be pre-processed and formatted according to ISO8601. The date datatype brings benefits to reduce user input error and allow usage of the max and max attributes. Additionally, a range of dates could be filtered rather than limited by a singular date.

A final suggestion would be to allow the user to sort the table's data in ascending or descending order according to any specific columns.