
Provide a real-time recommendation system for hotels based on specific criteria's

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


Project Overview


Provide a real-time recommendation system to find hotels that fit a client's criteria. Two criteria determine the ideal hotel. First, the hotel must be within a given range of latitude and longitude. Second, acceptable weather conditions for the client's preference.


  1. Collect the Data
    • Use the NumPy module to generate more than 1,500 random latitudes and longitudes.
    • Use the citipy module to list the nearest city to the latitudes and longitudes.
    • Use the OpenWeatherMap API to request the current weather data from each unique city in your list.
    • Parse the JSON data from the API request.
    • Collect the following data from the JSON file and add it to a DataFrame:
      • City, country, and date
      • Latitude and longitude
      • Maximum temperature
      • Humidity
      • Cloudiness
      • Wind speed
  2. Exploratory Analysis with Visualization
    • Create scatter plots of the weather data for the following comparisons:
      • Latitude versus temperature
      • Latitude versus humidity
      • Latitude versus cloudiness
      • Latitude versus wind speed
    • Determine the correlations for the following weather data:
      • Latitude and temperature
      • Latitude and humidity
      • Latitude and cloudiness
      • Latitude and wind speed
    • Create a series of heatmaps using the Google Maps and Places API that showcases the following:
      • Latitude and temperature
      • Latitude and humidity
      • Latitude and cloudiness
      • Latitude and wind speed
  3. Visualize Travel Data
    • Create a heatmap with pop-up markers that can display information on specific cities based on a customer's travel preferences.
      1. Filter the Pandas DataFrame based on user inputs for a minimum and maximum temperature.
      2. Create a heatmap for the new DataFrame.
      3. Find a hotel from the cities' coordinates using Google's Maps, Places API, and the Search Nearby feature.
      4. Store the name of the first hotel in the DataFrame.
      5. Add pop-up markers to the heatmap that display information about the city, current maximum temperature, and a hotel in the city.

Exploratory Analysis with Visualization

City Latitude vs. Max Temperature

City Latitude vs. Max Temperature

Temperatures become warmer as we approach the equator and being further from the equator results in cooler temperatures.

Visualize Travel Data

Hotels were located and plotted using the Google Maps API. Locations to search for hotels were selected based on these preferred weather conditions:

  • Minimum Temperature: 70 F
  • Maximum Temperature: 90 F
  • Humidity: Any
  • Cloudiness: Any
  • Wind Speed: Any


Travel Itinerary Map

Four cities were selected for the customer's travel destination, and a route was then created using the Google Directions API. Finally, the route is displayed on the layer map with pop-up markers of hotels on the route of each city destination.

