During the Internship in Irisa, we decide to make a demo application to save, load, show waybills and all properties In this project, we focus on 3 object:
- Waybill
- Driver
- Mine
All data for 3 objects save and load from Database. Architecture of the project is MVC:
- Backend Framework: Spring (Controller)
- Database: Oracle (Model)
- Frontend Framework: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Bootstrap (View)
- Management Dependency: Maven
You can see Report in Report.pdf
- Entity Class: these classes that save properties of entities and save in Database
- Driver: for Driver Class
- Mine: for Mine and Source
- Waybill: for Way Billing
- DAO Class: Database Access Object class that implement Service layer and manage data to retrieve and save in the database.
- Driver-Service
- Mine-Service
- Waybill-Service
- Controller Class: the class that executes processing like POST, GET of URL that user inserts in web application and response to a request of the user.
- Driver - Controller
- Mine - Controller
- Waybill - Controller
- Main Class: the class that execute web application and manage the Exception
- Resource/templates: HTML file that combines with Thymeleaf
- Resource/static: CSS, JavaScript, images and fonts.
- Application.properties: this file includes all settings for the project such as port, driver database, user password, etc.
In Irisa company, use Oracle Database. Fortunately, I work with this and PLSQL for writing Trigger and Stored Procedure.
Tables :
- WayBil
- Mine
- Driver
Tables Triggers:
- Insert, Update WayBil
- Insert, Update Mine
- Insert, Update Driver
- SQL Queries
- Hibernate