- 1
I am not getting "activeCaloriesBurned" value from samsung health and google fit
#145 opened by RushitaRn25 - 5
Feature Request: Filtering Manually Added Data
#159 opened by VipulPithva001 - 1
- 1
can i read devices data from health connect.
#164 opened by Qurat-ul-ainn - 5
Device info doesnt return device model
#163 opened by nikitabalabanovdev - 1
- 4
Sync is not happening
#138 opened by KSGoutami - 0
- 0
deleteRecordsByUuids or deleteRecordsByTimeRange never resolves and no exceptions thrown
#161 opened by RM-Smilamind - 3
Reading RestingHeartRate return an empty array
#97 opened by cjae - 2
Question: Declaring permissions on Google Play
#154 opened by LegendEffects - 18
requestPermission never resolves
#147 opened by BlocknBoom123 - 1
- 5
- 0
RangeError: Date value out of bounds in method readRecords with types Hydration, Nutrition, TotalCaloriesBurned
#151 opened by ustkirill - 6
revokeAllPermissions in not work on Android
#104 opened by CohesionJamesTsao - 1
- 7
Can't get past requestPermission
#137 opened by BlocknBoom123 - 0
com.facebook.react.bridge.Readablenativemap cannot be cast to java.lang.string
#144 opened by akshank0 - 1
[Error: java.lang.SecurityException: Caller doesn't have read to record typeclass]
#140 opened by RushitaRn25 - 1
How can I synchronize data from HealthConnect so that any changes to the data automatically update the UI?
#141 opened by om1234ww - 2
Caller doesn't have read to record typeclass
#139 opened by RushitaRn25 - 1
issue with data
#132 opened by fasihkhan754 - 1
[Enhancement] Metadata typing
#136 opened by ugurakin1 - 1
GetChanges API support
#135 opened by ugurakin1 - 3
- 2
- 3
- 0
Empty exercise route
#127 opened by gabrielgouv - 4
Power returns empty array
#125 opened by gabrielgouv - 6
ElevationGained returns empty array
#111 opened by justingshreve - 1
What is time parameter?
#124 opened by FCG-labs - 2
Get aggregate steps for previous days?
#116 opened by bitdelve - 39
- 1
Catch when unable to openHealthConnectSettings()
#120 opened by bitdelve - 1
uses-sdk:minSdkVersion 23 cannot be smaller than version 26 declared in library []
#121 opened by realPrimoh - 2
Expo 48 plugin not working
#115 opened by thozh - 6
Getting an empty Array in every parameter request
#118 opened by asiflhr - 2
Lowest version of RN for version 1?
#113 opened by bitdelve - 8
kotlin.UninitializedPropertyAccessException: lateinit property requestPermission has not been initialized in Expo React Native
#114 opened by AbuHishamTareq - 1
Wearable device name
#112 opened by tamacroft - 1
- 1
Gettign setPermissionDelegate error while implementing in React native 0.72 with Java folders
#108 opened by codewithhannan - 1
Health Connect version requirement
#107 opened by zaihdo - 0
Distance Data only shows aggregated data
#105 opened by nestorLanex2 - 6
Question: Is there any way i can check which sports app(s) connected to Health Connect?
#102 opened by kfchan-git - 4
No data retrieved ,when no other app like google fit or wearables attached to health connect
#103 opened by akashSinghBaghel - 0
How can I check if my app currently has the necessary permissions to access data from Google Fit? 1.How can I determine if the Google Fit app is not installed on the user's device? How can I inform the user that the Google Fit application is not installed on their device and guide them to install it?
#99 opened by akshpreetCbl - 0
How can I check if my app currently has the necessary permissions to access data from Google Fit? How can I determine if the Google Fit app is not installed on the user's device? How can I inform the user that the Google Fit application is not installed on their device and guide them to install it?
#101 opened by akshpreetCbl - 2
Question: is Library only for expo?
#96 opened by nestorLanex2