
Fully-featured, lightweight table component for Svelte JS

Primary LanguageSvelte

Svelte Tabular Table

Fully-featured, no-BS, lightweight table component for Svelte.

pnpm i svelte-tabular-table

Basic configuration:

  • init.data - an array of objects comprising the rows
  • init.keys - an array of keys to define columns
  • init.index - the key used for indexing each row *
  • init.nohead - a boolean to remove thead
  • init.nodiv - a boolean to render without div **

* If no valid init.index is set, or if there are duplicate values inside data, the table will attempt to generate unique keys.
** Enabling this means dimensions and features.autohide will not work.

import { Table } from 'svelte-tabular-table'
const config = {
    init: {
        keys: ['name', 'balance', 'address', 'company'],
        index: '_id',
        name: 'basic-example',
        nohead: false,
        nodiv: false,
<Table {...config} />

Dimensions control the formatting of the table:

  • dimensions.row - sets row height and cuts overflowing cells with an ellipsis (...)
  • dimensions.padding - sets cell padding
  • dimensions.widths - sets an array of widths for each column (can be int or string "10em", "50%", etc)
  • dimensions.minwidth - minimum width of table (int or string)

When using features.autohide it is important to set dimensions, so that each row is a consistent height.

import { Table } from 'svelte-tabular-table'
const config = {
    init: {
        keys: ['age', 'latitude', 'longitude', 'name', 'about'],
        index: '_id',
    dimensions: {
        name: 'dimensions-example',
        row: 16,
        padding: 10,
        widths: [50,100,100,150],
        minwidth: 400
<Table {...config} />

Sortable headers can be initialised by setting features.sortable.key to an initial value and features.sortable.direction to true (ascending) or false (descending).

import { Table } from 'svelte-tabular-table'
const config = {
    init: {
        name: 'sortable-example',
        keys: ['name', 'balance', 'company', 'latitude', 'longitude', 'tags'],
        index: '_id',
    features: {
        sortable: {
            key: 'name'
<Table {...config} />

Checkable rows are initialised by passing a blank {} object to features.checkable, which will be set via init.index.

import { Table } from 'svelte-tabular-table'
const config = {
    init: {
        name: 'checkable-example',
        index: '_id',
    dimensions: {
        widths: [ 100 ]
    features: {
        checkable: {}
<Table {...config} />

Rearrangeable rows are initialised by passing a callback function to features.rearrangeable, which will return the from and to indexes as an integer: ( from, to ) => ...

import { Table } from 'svelte-tabular-table'
const config = {
    init: {
        name: 'rearrangeable-example',
        keys: ['name', 'balance', 'company'],
        index: '_id',
    features: {
        rearrangeable: (from, to) => alert(`from ${from} to ${to}`)
<Table {...config} />

Autohide will stop rows that are currently not in view from rendering - increasing performance on tables with large datasets or images and video. It can be used inside a container, or with the window element - and must be manually triggered via features.autohide.position:

  • features.autohide.container - sets the scrolling parent element and enables autohide
  • features.autohide.position - is the current scrollTop / scrollY position, and must be manually updated from your own on:scroll event
  • features.autohide.buffer - sets extra space before rows are hidden as a multiple of container.offsetHeight (ie. 0.5 * 400 = 200px buffer)

Example is using window as container with buffer set to minus -0.1 to illustrate limits of hidden row edges:

import { Table } from 'svelte-tabular-table'
const config = {
    init: {
        name: 'autohide-1-example',
        index: '_id',
        data: many,
        nohead: true
    dimensions: {
        row: 16
    features: {
        autohide: {
            container: window,
            position: scrollY, // <svelte:window on:scroll={ e => scrollY = window.scrollY } />
            buffer: -0.1
<Table {...config} />

Example using a container, see Autohide (1):

import { Table } from 'svelte-tabular-table'
const config = {
    init: {
        name: 'autohide-2-example',
        index: '_id',
        data: many,
        nohead: true
    dimensions: {
        row: 16
    features: {
        autohide: {
            container: container, // bind:this={ container }
            position: scrollY, // on:scroll={ e => scrollY = window.scrollY }
            buffer: 2
<Table {...config} />

Callbacks can be defined for:

  • callbacks.render.cell or callbacks.render.key - returning with {id, item, key, value, rowIndex, cellIndex} argument *
  • callbacks.click.cell or callbacks.click.key - returning with {id, item, key, value, rowIndex, cellIndex, _event_} argument

* Render callback can also be a component reference (see Example 9 - Components):

import { Table } from 'svelte-tabular-table'
const config = {
    init: {
        name: 'callbacks-example',
        keys: ['name', 'balance', 'company', 'latitude', 'longitude'],
        index: '_id',
    callbacks: {
        render: {
            cell: o => ['🌱','☘️','🥬','🌿','🥒'][o.cellIndex] ,
            key: o => ['🌴','🌲','🌳','🏔','🥦'][o.cellIndex],
        click: {
            cell: o => alert( ['🌴','🌲','🌳','🏔','🥦'][o.cellIndex] ) ,
            key: o => alert( ['🌱','☘️','🥬','🌿','🥒'][o.cellIndex] ),
<Table {...config} />

In place of a callback render function, a svelte:component can be used with the properties {id, item, key, value, index}:

import Auto from './Auto.svelte'
import { Table } from 'svelte-tabular-table'
const config = {
    init: {
        name: 'components-example',
        keys: ['picture', 'name', 'latitude', 'longitude', 'registered', 'about'],
        index: '_id',
    callbacks: {
        render: {
            cell: Auto,
            key: Auto,
<Table {...config} />

// --- Auto.svelte ---

    export let id
    export let item
    export let key
    export let value
    export let index
    export let type

{#if type == 'key'}
    <b style="letter-spacing: 0.2em">{value}</b>
{:else if (key == 'picture')}
    <img src={ value } />
{:else if (key == 'registered')}
    <em>{ ( new Date( value ) ).toDateString() }</em>
{:else if (key == 'about')}
{:else if (key == 'name')}
    <blink style="color:rgb(255,62,0)">{value}</blink>
{:else if (key == 'latitude' || key =='longitude' )}

The classes object is a list of classes that are applied to a row based on it's id.
In this example we are setting an orange and yellow background class when a cell item is clicked:

import Auto from './Auto.svelte'
import { Table } from 'svelte-tabular-table'
const config = {
    init: {
        name: 'classes-example',
        keys: ['name', 'balance', 'company', 'latitude', 'longitude', 'tags'],
        index: '_id',
    classes: {
        orange_background: [ selected ],
        yellow_background: clicked

    callbacks: {
        click: {
            cell: o => {
            selected = o.id
            clicked.push( o.id )
<Table {...config} />

// --- Auto.svelte ---

    export let id
    export let item
    export let key
    export let value
    export let index
    export let type

{#if type == 'key'}
    <b style="letter-spacing: 0.2em">{value}</b>
{:else if (key == 'picture')}
    <img src={ value } />
{:else if (key == 'registered')}
    <em>{ ( new Date( value ) ).toDateString() }</em>
{:else if (key == 'about')}
{:else if (key == 'name')}
    <blink style="color:rgb(255,62,0)">{value}</blink>
{:else if (key == 'latitude' || key =='longitude' )}

API Documentation

Properties are categorised:

  • init - for data and setup

  • dimensions - formatting sizes, widths, heights

  • features - sortable, checkable, rearrangeable, autohide

  • callbacks - cell rendering and events

    import { Table } from 'svelte-tabular-table'

    Name Description Types Default Example
    init.data list of rows Array:Object null [{ color: 'blue', id: '001' }]
    init.keys list of columns Array:String null [ 'color', 'id' ]
    init.index unique index String null id
    init.nohead dont render thead Boolean false true
    init.nodiv dont render div Boolean false true
    dimensions.row height of each row Integer,String null 10, "2em"
    dimensions.padding padding of each row Integer,String 10 10, "1em"
    dimensions.widths width of each column Array:Integer,Array:String [] [ 100, "20%", "40px", 10]
    dimensions.minwidth mininum width of table Array:Integer,Array:String null 100, "20%", "40px", 10
    features.sortable.key initial sorting key (enables sortable) String null "color"
    features.sortable.direction ascending or descending Boolean false true
    features.checkable blank object (enables checkable) Object null {}
    features.rearrangeable callback (enables rearrangeable) Function null (a,b) => alert(`from ${a} to ${b}`)
    features.autohide.container DOM element (enables autohide) Element null bind:this={domElement},window
    features.autohide.position current scroll position (set externally) Integer 0 on:scroll=>{setPosition}
    features.autohide.buffer extend area (multiple of container height) Float 0 2
    callbacks.render.key cell rendering callback or SvelteComponent Function,SvelteComponent o => o.value
    callbacks.click.key cell cell or key click callback Function null
    id id attribute of table String table table-1
    class class attribute of table String table
    id style attribute of table String background:red
    debug debugging console log Boolean false true