
A base application under http://webtoolkit.eu .. adds users and logins

Primary LanguageC++

WittyPlus is currently being re-written as part of the footprint security website:



witty-plus lets you build c++ web apps.

Demo: http://barcamp.supa.ws - username: admin password: admin

It builds on top of http://webtoolkit.eu to provide you with user management and authentication.

It provides a library and a base app, that you can just search and replace 'my_app' with 'whatever your app is called'.

That way when you want to start a new app, you have a quick starting point :D

Installation on ubuntu Natty:

Install packages

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install postgresql libwt-dev libwtdbopostgres-dev cmake build-essential cmake-curses-gui git
sudo apt-get build-dep libwt-dev libwtdbopostgres-dev

Get wt trunk

mkdir projects
cd projects
git clone http://www.webtoolkit.eu/git/wt.git

Get witty-plus trunk

git clone git://github.com/matiu2/witty-plus.git

Patch witty

cd wt
patch -p1 < ../witty-plus/wt.patch

Build witty

mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
# optionaly configure with: ccmake ..
sudo make install

Build witty-plus

cd ../../witty-plus/base-app
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
# optionaly configure with: ccmake ..
make -j 2

set up the DB

sudo su postgres
createuser my_app
createdb my_app
psql my_app
grant all on database my_app to my_app;
alter user my_app password 'my_app';

set up the data


run the app

sh run.sh

look at it

/usr/bin/chromium-browser http://localhost:8000