
zig-js library on npm.

Primary LanguageTypeScript


Embedding the ZIG client into your game or integrating games into your page is easy.

The library is available as an npm package. Install it and add it to your package.json using npm install --save zig-js. You can then import the library and access the zig functionality.

The examples in this document make heavy use of async/await to handle promises. await x(); y() is similar to x().then(() => y()). If you also want to use async/await in your code, you might need to relay on typescript or babel to transpile those new keywords to ECMAScript 5 syntax. More information to async function on MDN.

Embedding ZIG into your game

For a quick start on how to include the zig-js library in a game project using webpack, see our example project on github. The project also includes information on how to test your game integration locally.

Loading your game

Once the game has finished loading all assets and is ready to start, you can signal this by sending a gameLoaded message to the parent frame. To simplify things the ZIG client exposes a Messages object (of type GameMessageInterface). Only use the Zig.Client instance if the Zig.ready() promise resolves.

There are two game flow modes.

  • Single round game In this mode the game is controlled completely from the outside. You dont need to implement any game controls. This mode does not support things like re-buy or variable stake selection.

  • In-game purchase flow In this mode all controls are handled by the game itself. The game is responsible to show a play button and, if required, a variable stake selector. To enable this mode, you need to add purchaseInGame: true to the game settings defined in your outer.html file.

The supported game mode can be passed as a parameter to the gameLoaded call.

import {Zig} from "zig-js/zig/zig";

window.onload = async () => {
  // wait for your game to load
  await YourGame.loadAssets();

  // wait for Zig.Client to initialize. Only use Client after this
  await Zig.ready();

  // tell parent frame that the game finished loading
  const purchaseInGame = false;

Single round games

The flow for a single round game is described in this diagram.

Once the customer decides between a real game for money or a free demo game the parent frame sends a playGame or playDemoGame message back to the game. To listen for those events the Messages object exposes a registerGeneric method. Simply pass an object containing event handlers with the message types as keys.

  playGame() {
    // the player would like to start a new game round.
    // call into your game code to begin a new round.

  playDemoGame() {
    // the player requested a demo ticket.
    // YourGame.runDemoGame()

To buy a ticket, use the Zig.Client.buyTicket method. The method returns a Promise instance resolving to the ticket that was supplied by the backend system. This ticket includes all the information about the game you need to show to the customer.

interface Ticket {
    // Local id of the ticket
    // This id needs to be send back with a `settle` call.
    id: string;

    // Some identifying alphanumeric string that does not need to be
    // unique but should identify the ticket given other information like an
    // approximate time or customer number
    ticketNumber: string;

    // The amount of money the customer payed for this ticket.
    price: MoneyAmount;

    // The bet factor that was used when purchasing this ticket.
    betFactor: number;

    // The winning class of the ticket. Use this to extract the winnings
    // of this ticket. If the winnings are zero this was a loosing bet.
    winningClass: {
        winnings: MoneyAmount

    // the decoded scenario object or undefined if the scenario
    // field could not be decoded. Basically `JSON.parse(atob(ticket.scenario))`
    decodedScenario?: any;

    // this field contains optional data from the integrating platform.
    // this can be used to add additional fields to the ticket payload, e.g. a
    // ticket id or ticket number which is valid in the integrating platform.
    customContent?: object;

interface MoneyAmount {
    amountInMinor: number;
    amountInMajor: number;
    currency: string;

After the customer plays the game, you might want to show a dialog containing the winnings for the purchased ticket. Once that dialog is closed by the user, you signal the end of the game round using gameFinished().

const YourGame = {
  async runGame() {
    // get the ticket
    const ticket = await Zig.Client.buyTicket();

    // show the progression + outcome to the customer
    await YourGame.play(ticket);

    // settle the ticket and add he winnings to the customers account
    await Zig.Client.settleTicket(ticket.id);

    // Show a dialog to the customers displaying the winnings
    await YourGame.showTicketWinnings(ticket);

    // tell the parent that the game has finish

In case of errors, you can use the error method on the Messages instance, to forward any value as an error object to the parent frame. The Zig.Client object will already handle errors for you, but you might want to wrap the call to your play method in a try/catch block like this. If you are using promises without await, you need to call .catch(...).

try {
  await YourGame.play(ticket);
} catch(err) {
  // YourGame.reset();

After sending an error to the parent frame you should always reset your game frontend. For more information see error handling section.

In-game start-button and variable stakes

If the game supports variable stakes and an in-game start-button, the order of operations slightly differs. You can see the complete game flow in this diagram.

First you need to tell the parent page that your game handles this so called in game purchase flow. You do this by passing true to the gameLoaded() call as described above.

// tell parent frame, that the game finished loading,
// and that we are running in 'in game purchase' mode.
const purchaseInGame = true;

Once the player wishes to enter the game, the parent frame will send a prepareGame message containing a parameter that tells your game, if the player wishes to play a demo games or a series of real game. At this point, you'll show the play button and the stake selection, if you implement a variable stake game.

  // [...]
  prepareGame(event) {
    // call your game to show/enable the stake selector.

Once the player has selected the stake and you want the game to begin, the game needs to send a buy message containing the selected stake.

const YourGame = {
  selectedStake: 2,

  onStartGameClicked() {
    // request the parent to start the game with the given stake.

The integrating frame will validate the request, check the players balance, etc and call your game back with a normal playGame or playDemoGame message like in the single game round example above. You will not get the selected stake back in the message, so you need to hang onto the selected stake in your game while you are waiting for the game to start. In you playGame handler, you call the Zig.Client.buyTicket method with a second parameter containing the stake. The same is true for your playDemoGame handler:

await Zig.Client.buyTicket(null, {betFactor: YourGame.selectedStake})

After settling the ticket using settleTicket, you jump back to the stake selection screen without sending a gameFinished message. You only send a gameFinished message you want to leave your game using a special homescreen button.

Resume unplayed game In case that the user has an unplayed ticket, the integration will not call prepareGame but call playGame directly. In that case you can go ahead with requesting a ticket by calling Zig.Client.buyTicket without any extra paramters.

Cancel buy request After sending a buy message to the parent, the customer might choose to cancel the game or may not have enought money to play the game with the selected stake. In that case a cancelRequestStartGame will be send to the game. You can then show the stake selection screen again.

  // [...]
  cancelRequestStartGame() {
    // call your game to show/enable the stake selector.

Error handling

In case of errors, you should delegate the error handling to the parent frame. The library will try to make sense of the error object and handle it appropriately. You should reset your game into the initial state after an error and expect a normal prepareGame or playGame message to start a new game round.

try {
  // ...
} catch(err) {

Integrating games into your platform

Integrating zig games into your platform is also easy. We provide you with a simple javascript library that does most of the integration work for you. You only need to implement a Connector class to provide some information about the current customer state to the game as well as handle the customer integration. If the user is signed in, the customer state includes a loggedIn: true flag as well as the current customers balance.

Writing a Connector

After including the library into your frontend code, you can create a subclass of the Connector class. The only method that is required to implement is the fetchCustomerState method that returns a promise returning the customer state.

import {Connector} from 'zig-js/integration/connector';

class YourConnector extends Connector {
  async fetchCustomerState() {
    // fetch the data from your backend
    const yourCustomerState = await YourPlatform.customerState();
    if (yourCustomerState.signedIn) {
      // and return the state in the correct format
      return {
        loggedIn: true,
        balance: MoneyAmount.of(
    } else {
      return {loggedIn: false};

Having this class, you can now include the game into your platform. To do so, you need to define a target element, e.g. <div id="zig-game"></div> and call the installGame method with the games configuration. For the game dickehose it would look like this:

// use the frontend url that was provided to you by the zig service, e.g:
const frontendUrl = "https://mylotto24.frontend.zig.services/dickehose/latest/tipp24_com/game/outer.html";

window.onload = async () => {
  const game = installGame({
    connector: new YourConnector(),
    container: document.getElementById('zig-game'),
    url: frontendUrl,
    gameConfig: {
      canonicalGameName: 'dickehose',

  // wait for the game to initialize and finish loading
  await game.initialize();

This will create the necessary markup and include the games frontend using an iframe. The game will now load on opening the page.


To let the user interact with the game, you need to provide a control overlay. The overlay will include a button to start the game, show the ticket prize and might include another optional button to allow the customer to play a free ticket.

To show this overlay, please implement the updateUIState method in your connector class.

class YourConnector extends Connector {
  updateUIState(state, game) {
    YourOverlay.update(state, game);

The most important type of the state parameter is the buttonType field. It contains a keyword describing the current state of the ui or the main interaction component. The supported values of this field are:

  • none Do not show any user interface.
  • login The customer is not signed in. You might want to provide a button to let the customer sign into your page.
  • payin The customer does not have enought balance to play the next round.
  • buy The customer can buy a ticket and play the game.
  • play For games supporting the in-game purchase flow clicking this button will start the game and hide the ui.
  • unplayed The customer has an unplayed game and can resume the game now.
  • voucher The customer currently has a voucher and the next game will be free.

The complete state looks like this:

export interface UIState {
  // State of the main button that the ui shows.
  // Use this as main indicator to decide how to render the UI.
  // A type of 'none' should not render any UI.
  buttonType: 'none' | 'login' | 'payin' | 'buy' | 'play' | 'unplayed' | 'voucher';

  // If this is true you might offer a demo ticket to the customer.
  allowFreeGame: boolean;

  // The normal ticket price
  normalTicketPrice: MoneyAmount;

  // The discounted ticket price. Only set if there is a discount on the ticket.
  discountedTicketPrice?: MoneyAmount;

  // True if the ticket price can be adjusted by switching a bet factor in the game
  ticketPriceIsVariable: boolean;

  // Flags if the user is allowed to interact with the overlay
  enabled: boolean;

  // This field is set if the player can continue with an existing ticket.
  unplayedTicketInfo?: UnplayedTicketInfo;

  // True if the player is _currently_ playing a free demo game round.
  isFreeGame: boolean;

Using the default overlay

This library will provide a basic user interface to simplify the integration of new games even more. TODO customization

A complete example on how to start a game looks like this:


  #zigContainer {
    position: relative;
    min-height: 10em;
    background: #eee;

  #overlayContainer {
    position: absolute;
    bottom: 0;
    left: 0;
    right: 0;

<div id="zigContainer">
  <div id="gameContainer"></div>
  <div id="overlayContainer"></div>

<script src="https://lib.zig.services/zig/1-dev/libint.js"></script>

<script defer>
  class DemoConnector extends ZIG.Connector {
    constructor(updateUIState) {
      this._updateUIState = updateUIState;

    async fetchCustomerState() {
      return {
        loggedIn: true,
        balance: ZIG.MoneyAmount.of(1000, "EUR"),

    async showErrorDialog(error) {
      alert(JSON.stringify(error, null, 2));

    updateUIState(uiState, game) {
      this._updateUIState(uiState, game);

  window.onload = () => {
    const updateUIState = ZIG.installOverlay(document.querySelector("#overlayContainer"));

    const gameConfig = {
      canonicalGameName: "dickehose",
      isTestStage: true,

    const game = ZIG.installGame({
      container: document.querySelector("#gameContainer"),
      url: "https://mylotto24.frontend.zig.services/dickehose/latest/tipp24_com/game/outer.html",
      gameConfig: gameConfig,
      connector: new DemoConnector(updateUIState),



Further customization

The integration defines three default routes to access your backend. Those are described in the backend integration documentation and default to /zig/games/${gameName}/ticket:${op}. You are able to rewrite those default endpoints by implementing the buildRequestPath method in your Connector. If your backend cannot handle path parameters, you might want to pass the game name as a parameter. To do so, implement the method as such:

class YourConnector extends Connector {
  buildRequestPath(request) {
    if (r.type === "buy" || r.type === "settle") {
      return `/api/buy-tickets?game=${r.gameName}&demo=${r.type === 'demo'}&quantity=${r.quantity}&betFactor=${r.betFactor}`;
    } else if (r.type === "settle") {
      return `/api/settle?game=${r.gameName}&id=${r.ticketId}`;

Build and release this library

This part of the documentation is only relevant for developers of the zig client.

You can build the library using npm run shortcuts.

  • npm run release Will build a new stable release. This will be automatically used by all game frontends that include the library.

  • npm run beta Will release a beta build and push that as dev version to npm. While you are on a beta release, you can upload new versions without doing a real release.

  • npm run build-upload Uploads a new version into the dev channel, but only if you are currently on a beta release.