
Create Custom ESXI with aditional driver and software

Primary LanguagePowerShell

Create Custom install ISO file with external driver or software

This script you can use for create custom install iso from vmware where you import custom driver or software.

Install powershell package

Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -Scope LocalMachine
Install-Module -Name VMware.PowerCLI -SkipPublisherCheck

Using script

.\createCustomEsxiInstallerImageV2.ps1 [path to esxi depot.zip] [path to folder with external package]
.\createCustomEsxiInstallerImageV2.ps1 C:\Users\Administrator\Downloads\ESXi670-201912001.zip C:\Users\Administrator\Downloads\Cisco\ 

Choose ESXI version from imported software depport:

alt text

Choose additional SW imported from directory:

alt text

Exported ISO file:

alt text

Example usage https://virtualall.sk/vmware/vsphere/vmware-esxi-vytvorenie-vlastneho-instalacneho-media/