Kolla Builder

This repository contains a set of Ansible playbooks that will spawn and configure VMs (currently supporting libvirt only) to deploy Kolla.


  • Ansible
  • Libvirt
  • virt-manager
  • Kolla image - TODO: Upload the Kolla image somewhere
  • 3 NAT networks - Guide
    • nat1: for SSH and Ansible
    • nat2: for OpenStack management network
    • nat3: for Neutron networking
  • Kolla Ansible source code
  • Copy SSH key ssh/id_kolla to your .ssh directory
cp ssh/id_kolla ~/.ssh


  • Copy and edit the example config for aio or multinode.
  • The options are documented in comments.
  • Save your config as user_config.yml.
  • Edit globals.yml
    • This is the configuration file of Kolla - Read the Docs
    • One of the most important options is kolla_internal_vip_address, which should be any NOT USED address in the nat2 range, e.g.,
kolla_internal_vip_address: # The default


Spawn nodes

All in one

  • Spawn the node
ansible-playbook -i local spawn-aio.yml -e @user_config.yml
  • Prepare the node
ansible-playbook -i all-in-one prepare.yml -e @user_config.yml
  • SSH into the node
ssh <node-ip> -o "IdentitiesOnly=yes" -i ssh/id_kolla
  • Deploy using the deploy script
  • If it fails, please refer to Kolla documentation and follow from the linked point.
  • It may fail due to a network issue; in that case, just run it again.


  • Spawn your VMs running this playbook
ansible-playbook -i local spawn-multinode.yml -e @user_config.yml
  • Check the IPs on the console output and in the generated multinode inventory file. If you see <NODE_NAME>_IP_NOT_FOUND, then find the IP manually (through virt-manager). It might be that the node didn't start for any reason or it didn't boot fast enough before the playbook gave up retrieving IP.

  • If you need to log into a node without SSH, use these credentials

username: kolla
password: hhh
  • Check nat2 IPs of the nodes and set kolla_internal_vip_address in globals.yml to an unused IP in range.

Prepare nodes

  • Prepare your nodes using this playbook
ansible-playbook -i multinode prepare.yml -e @user_config.yml
  • SSH into your deployment node
ssh <deployment-node-ip> -o "IdentitiesOnly=yes" -i ssh/id_kolla

Deploy script

  • You can try the deploy script which is already on the node
  • If that fails, investigate the issue. Sometimes you just have to run the script again. If it doesn't help, see the next section.

Manual deployment

Based on Quick start for development

  • A virtual environment for Kolla is sourced automatically on SSH into the node.
  • A copy of Kolla Ansible is already present.


These steps can be done automatically by ./pre-deploy script as well.

  • Install Kolla dependencies
kolla-ansible install-deps
  • Known issue: sometimes ansible-galaxy commands fail due to network issues. Just run the command again.

  • Generate certificates in case you use TLS

kolla-ansible -i multinode certificates
  • Bootstrap servers
kolla-ansible -i multinode bootstrap-servers
  • Run prechecks
kolla-ansible -i multinode prechecks


  • Run
kolla-ansible -i multinode deploy
  • If the command fails, you may have issues with Kolla (especially if you changed the playbooks) or your nodes might not have enough resources.
  • You also might check your globals file, especially network_interface and neutron_external_interface must be existing interfaces on all of your nodes. Check using ip a command. However, the node XML is configured in a way that the interface names should always be network_interface: enp6s0 and neutron_external_interface: enp7s0.
  • You might have a sort of bad luck that one of the nodes gets the same IP as kolla_internal_vip_address. In that case, change kolla_internal_vip_address.


  • Install OpenStack client
pip install python-openstackclient -c https://releases.openstack.org/constraints/upper/master
  • Run post-deploy jobs
kolla-ansible post-deploy
  • Create example resources


  • Delete all nodes using
ansible-playbook -i local delete.yml -e @vm_list.yml -e @user_config