
The SSI Kit is a technology stack for enabling Self-Sovereign Identity (SSI) in any application.

Primary LanguageKotlinApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Walt.ID SSI Kit

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CI/CD Workflow for walt.id SSI Kit

The Walt.ID SSI Kit is a holistic SSI solution, with primarily focus on the European EBSI/ESSIF ecosystem.

The core services are in the scope of:

  • Key Management generation, import/export
  • Decentralized Identifier (DID) operations (create, register, update, deactivate)
  • Verifiable Credential (VC) operations (issue, present, verify)
  • ESSIF/EBSI related Use Cases (onboarding, VC exchange, etc.)

The ESSIF/EBSI functions are in the scope of:

  • Onboarding ESSIF/EBSI onboarding a natural person/legal entity including the DID creation and registration
  • Enable Trusted Issuer process for entitling a legal entity to become a Trusted Issuer in the ESSIF ecosystem.
  • Credential Issuance protocols and data formats for issuing W3C credentials from a Trusted Issuer to a natural person.
  • Credential Verification verification facilities in order to determine the validity of a W3C Verifiable Credential aligned with ESSIF/EBSI standards.

The library is written in Kotlin/Java based library and can be directly integrated as Maven/Gradle dependency. Alternatively the library or the additional Docker container can be run as RESTful webservice.

Getting Started

The easiest way to getting your hands diry and to "play" with the functions the SSI Kit provides is by running the CLI tool with Docker.

docker run -itv $(pwd)/data:/app/data waltid/ssikit -h

Please go ahead and find further CLI commands and well as other ways how to use the SSI Kit in the documentation section below.


The documentation is hosted at: https://docs.walt.id/ssikit/

Direct links for using the SSI Kit are:


This project demonstrates how to integrate & use the SSI Kit in any Kotlin/Java app: https://github.com/walt-id/waltid-ssikit-examples. Also the Gradle and Maven build instructions are provided there.

Following code snipped gives a first impression how to use the SSI Kit for creating W3C Decentralized Identifiers and for issuing/verifying W3C Verifiable Credentials in JSON_LD as well as JWT format.

fun main() {


    val issuerDid = DidService.create(DidMethod.ebsi)
    val holderDid = DidService.create(DidMethod.key)

    // Issue VC in JSON-LD and JWT format (for show-casing both formats)
    val vcJson = Signatory.getService().issue("VerifiableId", ProofConfig(issuerDid = issuerDid, subjectDid = holderDid, proofType = ProofType.LD_PROOF))
    val vcJwt = Signatory.getService().issue("VerifiableId", ProofConfig(issuerDid = issuerDid, subjectDid = holderDid, proofType = ProofType.JWT))

    // Present VC in JSON-LD and JWT format (for show-casing both formats)
    val vpJson = Custodian.getService().createPresentation(listOf(vcJson), holderDid)
    val vpJwt = Custodian.getService().createPresentation(listOf(vcJwt), holderDid)

    // Verify VPs, using Signature, JsonSchema and a custom policy
    val resJson = Auditor.getService().verify(vpJson, listOf(SignaturePolicy(), JsonSchemaPolicy()))
    val resJwt = Auditor.getService().verify(vpJwt, listOf(SignaturePolicy(), JsonSchemaPolicy()))

    println("JSON verification result: ${resJson.overallStatus}")
    println("JWT verification result: ${resJwt.overallStatus}")


The SSI Kit by walt.id is Open Source software released under the Apache 2.0 license.