Team Project from Le Wagon Batch #466 Feb 2021 ( Melbourne )

View @ =>

Test Account => user: pass: 123456

Rails app generated with lewagon/rails-templates, created by the Le Wagon coding bootcamp team :)

Spin Finder


Spin Finder - Upload and rent bicycles in your local area. A marketplace for every keen cyclist.

UI - Home

This application was built with

Ruby on Rails, Javascript, HTML & CSS.

Live site:

Spin Finder


If you would like to look at the code then clone the GitHub repository and change directory into spin_finder:

gh repo clone matoni109/spin_finder

You will also need Bundler installed:

bundle install

This will install the gems needed to run the program correctly.

Navigating the application

You can create a new account with your email address and a password or alternatively you can log in our admin account with:

pass: 123456

Add a bike to rent out to other users..


Check out bikes..


Add reviews and view others..


Feel free to go to your account page when you can see your bikes for rent - the bikes you have rented and also approve and deny bookings!

rent rent rent

Technologies used

  • AJAX
  • Postgres DB & seeding
  • Bootstrap
  • Mapbox/Geocoder
  • Pundit
  • HTML, CSS, Javascript, Ruby on Rails