
Cluster Management API provider for Packet

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Packet cluster-api Provider

This is the official cluster-api provider for Packet.



To use the cluster-api to deploy a Kubernetes cluster to Packet, you need the following:

  • A Packet API key
  • A Packet project ID
  • The clusterctl binary from this repository.
  • A Kubernetes cluster - the "bootstrap cluster" - that will deploy and manage the cluster on Packet.
  • kubectl - not absolutely required, but hard to interact with a cluster without it

For the bootstrap cluster, any cluster is just fine for this, including k3s, k3d and kind.

You have two choices for the bootstrap cluster:

  • An existing cluster, which can be on your desktop, another Packet instance, or anywhere else that Kubernetes runs, as long as it has access to the Packet API.
  • Rely on clusterctl to set a temporary one up for you using kind on your local docker.


To deploy a cluster:

  1. Create a project in Packet, using one of: the API, one of the many SDKs, the CLI or the Web UI.
  2. Create an API key for the project.
  3. Set the required environment variables:
    • PACKET_PROJECT_ID - Packet project ID
    • PACKET_API_KEY - Packet API key
  4. (Optional) Set the optional environment variables:
    • CLUSTER_NAME - The created cluster will have this name. If not set, it will generate one for you.
    • FACILITY - The Packet facility where you wantto deploy the cluster. If not set, it will default to ewr1.
    • SSH_KEY - The path to an ssh public key to place on all of the machines. If not set, it will use whichever ssh keys are defined for your project.
  5. Create the config files you need via ./generate-yaml.sh. This will generate the following files in out/packet:
    • cluster.yaml
    • machines.yaml
    • provider-components.yaml - note that this file will contain your secrets, specifically PACKET_API_KEY, to be loaded into the cluster
    • addons.yaml - note that this file will contain your secrets, specifically PACKET_API_KEY, to be loaded into the cluster
  6. If desired, edit the following files:
    • cluster.yaml - to change parameters or settings, including network CIDRs, and, if desired, your own CA certificate and key
    • machines.yaml - to change parameters or settings, including machine types and quantity
  7. Run clusterctl with the appropriate command.
./bin/clusterctl create cluster \
    --provider packet \
    --bootstrap-type kind \
    -c ./out/packet/cluster.yaml \
    -m ./out/packet/machines.yaml \
    -p ./out/packet/provider-components.yaml \
    -a ./out/packet/addons.yaml

Run clusterctl create cluster --help for more options, for example to use an existing bootstrap cluster rather than creating a temporary one with kind.

clusterctl will do the folloiwng:

  1. Connect to your bootstrap cluster either via:
    • creating a new one using kind
    • connecting using the provided kubeconfig
  2. Deploy the provider components in provider-components.yaml
  3. Create a master node on Packet, download the kubeconfig file
  4. Connect to the master and deploy the controllers
  5. Create worker nodes
  6. Deploy add-on components, e.g. the packet cloud-controller-manager and the packet cloud storage interface provider
  7. If a new bootstrap cluster was created, terminate it


If you do not change the generated yaml files, it will use defaults. You can look in the *.yaml.template files in cmd/clusterctl/examples/packet/ for details.

  • CA key/certificate: leave blank, which will cause the manager to create one.
  • service CIDR:
  • pod CIDR:
  • service domain: cluster.local
  • cluster name: test1-<random>, where random is a random 5-character string containing the characters a-z0-9

About Those Secrets

Notice that the API key is load into two separate files, provider-components.yaml and addons.yaml. This is unfortunately necessary.

  • provider-components.yaml - needs the secret to run the manager that creates and destroys nodes.
  • addons.yaml - needs the secret to run the Packet cloud controller manager.

Each of these runs in a distinct namespace, which means that each needs it in a separate kubernetes Secret. In the future, we may merge the namespaces or, more likely, create an authentication service that gives out credentials.

Deploying Manually

If you really want to deploy manually, rather than using clusterctl, do the following. This assumes that you have generated the yaml files as required.

  1. Ensure you have a bootstrap cluster running
  2. Run ./generate-yaml.sh per the instructions above
  3. Deploy the manager controller: kubectl apply -f provider-components.yaml
  4. Deploy the cluster: kubectl apply -f cluster.yaml
  5. Deploy the machines: kubectl apply -f machines.yaml
  6. Deploy the addons: kubectl apply -f addons.yaml
  7. Create a kubeconfig file for the workload cluster
  8. "Pivot" to the workload cluster by switching to the new kubeconfig: export KUBECONFIG=kubeconfig
  9. Reapply all of the components: kubectl apply -f provider-components.yaml cluster.yaml machines.yaml addons.yaml
  10. Shut down the bootstrap cluster, if desired

Note that, unlike clusterctl, this method will not take care of the following:

  • create a bootstrap cluster
  • pivot the control from the bootstrap cluster to the newly started cluster
  • remove the bootstrap cluster


The components deployed via the yaml files are the following:

  • cluster.yaml - contains
    • a single Cluster CRD which defines the new cluster to be deployed. Includes cluster-wide definitions, including cidr definitions for services and pods.
  • machines.yaml - contains
    • one or more Machine CRDs, which cause the deployment of individual server instance to serve as Kubernetes master or worker nodes.
    • one or more MachineDeployment CRDs, which causes the deployment of a managed group of server instances.
  • addons.yaml - contains
    • necessary ServiceAccount, ClusterRole and ClusterRoleBinding declarations
    • packet-ccm Deployment
    • csi-packet Deployment and 'DaemonSet`
  • provider-components.yaml - contains
    • Custom Resource Definitions (CRD) for the cluster API resources
    • all of the necessary ClusterRole, ClusterRoleBinding, ServiceAccount to run the controllers
    • Packet-specific manager binary, in a StatefulSet, whose control loop manages the Cluster and MachineDeployment resources, and creates, updates or removes Machine resources
    • Cluster-API-generic controller binary, in a StatefulSet, whose control loop manages the Machine resources
    • Secret with Packet credentials

As of this writing, the Packet cluster-api provider control plane supports only one master node. Thus, you should deploy a single control plane node as a Machine, and the worker nodes as a MachineDeployment. This is the default provided by generate-yaml.sh. Because the worker nodes are a MachineDeployment, the cluster-api manager keeps track of the count. If one disappears, it ensures that a new one is deployed to take its place.

In the future, we will add high-availability, enabling multiple masters and worker nodes.

How It Works

The Packet cluster-api provider follows the standard design for cluster-api. It consists of two components:

  • manager - the controller that runs in your bootstrap cluster, and watches for creation, update or deletion of the standard resources: Cluster, Machine, MachineDeployment. It then updates the actual resources in Packet.
  • clusterctl - a convenient utility run from your local desktop or server and controls the new deployed cluster via the bootstrap cluster.

The actual machines are deployed using kubeadm. The deployment process uses the following process.

  1. When a new Cluster is created:
    • if the ClusterSpec does not include a CA key/certificate pair, create one and save it on the Cluster object
  2. When a new master Machine is created:
    • retrieve the CA certificate and key from the Cluster object
    • launch a new server instance on Packet
    • set the cloud-init on the instance to run kubeadm init, passing it the CA certificate and key
  3. When a new worker Machine is created:
    • check if the cluster is ready, i.e. has a valid endpoint; if not, retry every 15 seconds
    • generate a new kubeadm bootstrap token and save it to the workload cluster
    • launch a new server instance on Packet
    • set the cloud-init on the instance to run kubeadm join, passing it the newly generated kubeadm token
  4. When a user requests the kubeconfig via clusterctl, generate a new one using the CA key/certificate pair


There are multiple components that can be built. For normal operation, you just need to download the clusterctl binary and yaml files and run them. This section describes how to build components.

The following are the requirements for building:

  • go, v1.11 or higher
  • kubectl, v1.14 or higher (we are working on removing this requirement)
  • Make

To build all of the components:


This will leave you with:

  • the controller binary as bin/manager for the OS and architecture on which you are running
  • the cluster control CLI binary as bin/clusterctl for the OS and architecture on which you are running
  • the config file to deploy to your bootstrap cluster as provider-components.yaml

You can build for a different OS or architecture by setting OS and ARCH. For example:

make OS=windows
make OS=linux ARCH=arm64
make ARCH=s390x

To build the OCI image for the controller:

make docker-build

This will leave you with:

  • a docker image whose name matches the one set as the default in the Makefile
  • the config file to deploy to your bootstrap cluster as provider-components.yaml

You can change the name of the image to be built with IMG=, for example:

make docker-build IMG=myname/img-provider

To see the name of the docker image that would be built, run:

make image-name

To push it out:

make docker-push

To build individual components, call its target:

make manifests
make manager
make clusterctl

As always with make, you can force the rebuilding of a component with make -B <target>.

Running manager locally

You can run the manager locally on your own laptop in order to ease and speed development, or even run it through a debugger. The steps are:

  1. Create a kubernetes bootstrap cluster, e.g. kind
  2. Set your KUBECONFIG to point to that cluster, e.g. export KUBECONFIG=...
  3. Create a local OS/arch manager binary, essentially make manager. This will save it as bin/manager-<os>-<arch>, e.g. bin/manager-linux-arm64 or bin/manager-darwin-amd64
  4. Generate your yaml ./generate-yaml.sh
  5. Run the manager against the cluster with the local configs, bin/manager-darwin-amd64 -config ./config/default/machine_configs.yaml

In the above example:

  • We are running on macOS (darwin) and an Intel x86_64 (amd64)
  • We are using the default config file ./config/default/machine_configs.yaml
  • We are caching the CA keys and certs in out/cache.json

Caching the CA caches the certs and the keys. Only do this in test mode, or if you really are sure what you are doing. The purpose, in this case, is to allow you to stop and start the process, and pick up existing certs.

Supported OS and Versions

CAPP (Cluster API Provider for Packet) supports Ubuntu 18.04 and Kubernetes 1.14.3. To extend it to work with different combinations, you only need to edit the file config/default/machine_configs.yaml.

In this file, each list entry represents a combination of OS and Kubernetes version supported. Each entry is composed of the following parts:

  • machineParams: list of the combination of OS image, e.g. ubuntu_18_04, and Kubernetes versions, both control plane and kubelet, to install. Also includes the container runtime to install.
  • userdata: the actual userdata that will be run on server instance startup.

When trying to install a new machine, the logic is as follows:

  1. Take the requested image and kubernetes versions.
  2. Match those to an entry in machineParams. If it matches, use this userdata.

Important notes:

  • There can be multiple machineParams entries for each userdata, enabling one userdata script to be used for more than one combination of OS and Kubernetes versions.
  • There are versions both for controlPlane and kubelet. master servers will match both controlPlane and kubelet; worker nodes will have no controlPlane entry.
  • The containerRuntime is installed as is. The value of containerRuntime will be passed to the userdata script as ${CR_PACKAGE}, to be installed as desired.
