Outfit 7 QA automation assignment

I used the provided base for my starting point. There are three test scenarios. I used first one to feed Tom.

Test scenarios

The provided solution helped me to load the main screen. In the first and the last scenario I take screenshots that are stored under the Screenshots/{timestamp}/ folder.

Feed Tom

Scenario steps:

  1. Click on Food icon.
  2. Click on the Milk icon.
  3. Take a screenshot after 2 seconds (TomDrinkingMilk.jpg).
  4. Wait for animation to stop

Verify How to play instruction

Scenario steps:

  1. Click in Info icon
  2. Click on How to play
  3. Read and assert the text of the first bullet point
  4. Click on Close icon

Record and play video

Scenario steps:

  1. Click on Camera icon to start recording
  2. Click on Gasmask icon
  3. Wait 2 seconds for animation to stop.
  4. Click on Paw icon
  5. Wait 4 seconds for animation to stop.
  6. Click on Camera icon to stop recording
  7. Click on Play button to start the video
  8. Take a screenshot after 1.5 seconds of the Gasmask action (TomGasMask.jpg).
  9. Take a screenshot after 3.5 seconds of the Pawn action (TomPawn.jpg).
  10. Click on Close icon