
A website to call the MATRIX Creator's IR emitter.

Primary LanguagePython


Use your Raspberry Pi & MATRIX Creator to setup a website to control your TV.


All setup steps will be done on your Raspberry Pi.

1. Install IR Dependencies

The following steps from MATRIX Creator IR Test must be completed.

Before continuing, pigpio must be running to allow IR functionality.

Must be done each time Pi boots

sudo pigpiod

2. Download Project

Install git.

sudo apt-get install git

Download this repository to your home directory.

git clone https://github.com/matrix-io/MATRIX-TV-Remote-Website ~/tv_remote

3. Install Node.js & Packages

Install Node.js.

curl -o- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/creationix/nvm/v0.33.11/install.sh | bash
. ~/.bashrc
nvm install 8.6

Move into the project folder and download the required packages.

cd ~/tv_remote
npm install

4. Record Your TV Commands

Run the shell script inside tv_commands to record buttons from your TV remote.

Begin pressing the prompted buttons on your TV remote. The commands created are made to best match an average remote.

cd ~/tv_remote/tv_commands
chmod +x ./recordCommands.sh

5. Launch TV Remote Website

Run this project

cd ~/tv_remote
node ~/tv_remote/app.js

Go into a web browser and enter the followig URL:


Additonal Notes

Starting On Boot

Install the python pigpio package to root

sudo pip install pigpio

Add the following commands to etc/rc.local, for your Pi to start with the TV remote website running.'

make sure the commands below are inserted above exit 0 in rc.local

# Start pigpio
sudo pigpiod
# Start TV remote website
/home/pi/.nvm/versions/node/v8.6.0/bin/node /home/pi/tv_remote/app.js &

Adding Custom TV Commands

In order to add custom commands, the command must be inside tv_remote/tv_commands/codes.json

A new command can be created by using:

# Command
python ~/tv_remote/tv_commands/ir_remote.py -r -g16 -f codes.json PUT_COMMAND_NAME_WITH_NO_SPACES_HERE

# Example
python ~/tv_remote/tv_commands/ir_remote.py -r -g16 -f codes.json volume_up

With your new command set, the TV remote website files can be edited to change or add your command. Some knowledge of HTML and Javascript will be required.