- 0
Timezone problems
#233 opened by reivilibre - 0
Use appservice API instead of /sync
#214 opened by Half-Shot - 0
- 2
Support rooms/talks with and without online Q&A
#191 opened by kittykat - 0
Support pretalx
#189 opened by Half-Shot - 0
Build Docker images with CI
#200 opened by turt2live - 1
Allow web resources to run as a seperate process
#188 opened by Half-Shot - 0
Backend refactor leaves example config broken
#183 opened by duck-rh - 1
Add proper scenario-based end to end testing
#185 opened by Half-Shot - 0
Add docs for the `widget` command
#166 opened by kittykat - 1
Fill event room topic by currently playing event name
#123 opened by MurzNN - 0
Improve formatting of inviteto list of auditoriums
#173 opened by kittykat - 0
- 0
`invite` command, when it can't resolve all people, should either do its best or do nothing, but not do a partial run
#170 opened by reivilibre - 1
Don't show error message if user doesn't have MXID set in penta and is invited via email
#167 opened by kittykat - 0
Bad error when interest room prefixes are not configured but existing interest rooms are
#165 opened by reivilibre - 1
- 1
- 0
Update room aliases when talk slugs change
#143 opened by squahtx - 0
Do not nag speakers for physical talks.
#154 opened by reivilibre - 1
Do not create rooms for certain stands
#140 opened by squahtx - 3
Make all space previews work
#142 opened by squahtx - 1
- 1
Add ability to invite a user to all rooms in the conference space, including spaces
#113 opened by squahtx - 0
The same person can be defined multiple times
#151 opened by reivilibre - 0
- 1
- 4
Allow talks with no Q&A to disable it
#119 opened by kittykat - 0
Let the bot consume not-FOSDEM conference schedules
#129 opened by kittykat - 0
- 1
Update default moderator permissions
#97 opened by kittykat - 1
- 0
- 0
Normalize talks audio volume
#127 opened by HarHarLinks - 0
- 0
- 3
matrix invitation for several accounts
#114 opened by rzr - 0
- 0
"There was an error processing your command: undefined" when invites fail is unhelpful
#120 opened by squahtx - 0
- 0
If call widget has been started for stand and unpinned, then video button doesn't do anything
#117 opened by kittykat - 0
Support for a postroll at the end of talks
#100 opened by squahtx - 1
- 0
Document fdm command
#115 opened by kittykat - 1
(Non Fosdem 2022 related) As a Host/Coordinator I wish to tell the bot a speaker is not here for a QA without needing to do it in penta
#108 opened by MTRNord - 0
- 0
- 0
"Q&A has started" banner gets stuck on scoreboard widget until the next talk starts
#106 opened by squahtx - 0
It's too easy to accidentally build the entire conference space when you intend to build a single talk room
#99 opened by squahtx - 0
Room permissions in config
#98 opened by squahtx