- 0
slackbridge does not work on a ipv6 only cluster.
#792 opened by ronnyaa - 2
Can not unlink inaccessible bridge. Can not create new slack bridge (Failed to make link: Failed to make bridge request)
#731 opened by MarkWieczorek - 0
Bug: After a long period of bridge not working, and after getting it to start again, the bridged messages have incorrect metadata
#791 opened by samip5 - 4
- 1
Documentation says to create a "Classic Slack App" but these are discontinued
#789 opened by axelsimon - 0
Homeserver cannot reach the bridge. You probably need to adjust your configuration
#785 opened by kneescars - 1
- 5
Slack -> Matrix bridging not working
#757 opened by Radvendii - 0
Loss of messages after a redacted events
#766 opened by heurtematte - 0
"RTM support means the bridge will use websockets to communicate with the bridge rather than HTTP pushed events."
#770 opened by mkarg - 2
- 1
- 0
Puppeting: Is there something missing in the docs?
#771 opened by mkarg - 8
- 1
duplicate users - how to handle?
#759 opened by ayushin - 2
- 0
@mention not working from matrix -> slack
#767 opened by heurtematte - 0
- 3
Slack users are invited and leave constantly
#711 opened by LudvigHz - 4
Ignoring message with bad slackhook URL
#758 opened by ayushin - 2
Move documentation to mdbook
#687 opened by Half-Shot - 1
- 0
Images missing from slack -> matrix
#760 opened by joreg - 0
Postgres peer auth
#755 opened by Radvendii - 5
Error SLACK_ROOM_NOT_PUBLIC for Rooms that are Public
#743 opened by Evidlo - 2
Slack bridge is losing more posts than usual.
#749 opened by MarkWieczorek - 1
Slack Connect guest user messages are not bridged
#748 opened by jryans - 1
Postgres CI tests are flaky
#747 opened by justinbot - 0
Slack integration mentioning (@)
#745 opened by nicolasg123 - 0
- 0
Slack-bot does not respect line breaks
#737 opened by MarkWieczorek - 0
Change status or availability
#736 opened by JoaquinVeira - 1
Update Documentation - Team Error
#723 opened by stevenweaver - 1
"Can't join remote room because no servers that are in the room have been provided."
#730 opened by jkms - 0
`join room` crashes the bridge
#724 opened by AndrewFerr - 3
Error when using Pantalaimon for encryption
#716 opened by Yureien - 0
- 1
Messages in threads on matrix show replies as well as threads unlike matrix native threads
#708 opened by Cadair - 0
Privacy Issue!? Private images in matrix room mirror, but not in Slack channel
#706 opened by felixx9 - 2
Release matrix-appservice-slack 2.0.0
#698 opened by Half-Shot - 0
The /metrics path should not expect auth
#702 opened by Half-Shot - 0
- 3
Username case
#700 opened by clehner - 2
Upgrading to latest synapse+pantalaimon+slack fails 'must support MSC2666'
#689 opened by JohnStarich - 1
Docker build complains about EBADENGINE
#681 opened by tadzik - 2
Impossible to set admin of bridged rooms
#692 opened by LudvigHz - 0
- 1
- 0
Move to GitHub actions for CI
#682 opened by Half-Shot - 0