
Cookiecutter-based template for creating new Synapse modules

Primary LanguagePython

Synapse Module Cookiecutter Template

This is a Cookiecutter template for creating new Synapse modules.

What you get:

  • a Synapse module package
  • a README with basic instructions on installation, development and releasing
  • setup.cfg metadata (the declarative equivalent of setup.py)
  • CI configurations for
    • GitHub Actions
    • GitLab
  • code checking tools (invokable with tox, checked in CI)
    • code formatting using black and isort
    • code style checking using flake8
    • type checking using mypy (with checking against Synapse supported in Synapse 1.46 and later)
      • strict by default (configurable in mypy.ini)
  • unit testing using trial (invokable with tox, checked in CI)
  • Specific to the 'Synapse Team' variant:
    • CODEOWNERS for automatic review requests for the synapse-core team on GitHub when a pull request is opened
    • The Apache 2.0 licence with copyright notices

Please refer to the Synapse 'Writing a module' documentation for descriptions and examples (at the bottom of most pages) of using the Synapse module API, including registering callbacks.

How to use this template

Install Cookiecutter

To use this template, you will first need to install Cookiecutter.

Full instructions to do so can be found in the Cookiecutter documentation, but in summary, pip install --user cookiecutter or sudo apt install cookiecutter will do if you use pip or apt.

Use Cookiecutter to get your project going

cd to a directory where you would like to create a new project as a subdirectory, then run

cookiecutter https://github.com/matrix-org/synapse-module-cookiecutter-template.git

You will then be asked a series of questions to populate your project:

  1. directory_name: Specify the name of a project directory. This directory will be created.
  2. module_human_name: Specify a human-readable module name here. This is used in the README file and the changelog.
  3. package_description: Specify a human-readable module description. This is used in the README file and setup.cfg file.
  4. package_name: Specify a snake_case Python package name here. This will be used as the package name for your module.
  5. module_class_name: Specify a PascalCase Python class name here. This will be used as the class name for your module class.
  6. main_git_branch: Specify the name of your main Git branch here. Although this template does not initialise a Git repository automatically, the CI configuration and suggested release instructions mention it. This is commonly main, master, trunk, default or develop.
  7. variant: Choose whether or not to include the 'Synapse Team'-specific customisations; pick synapse_team if the module will be maintained by the Synapse Team. Otherwise, pick standard.
  8. use_scm_version: Choose whether to use SCM info to set the version of the module. This will use setuptools_scm for that, so check its manual for more info.

If all goes well, you should now have a project starter!

Set up Git

What you do from here on is up to you!

However, it's probably worth initialising a Git repository and making the first commit be exactly what is produced by this template. (Doing this may make it easier to upgrade an existing project to a later version of the template in the future: you could branch off from the initial commit, re-run the template generator, commit, and then merge that branch into your main branch.)

If you use GitHub or GitLab, you should use its web interface to enable the included CI configuration.

Notes for developing this template

During development, you can clone this repository and call

cookiecutter path/to/synapse-module-cookiecutter-template

when needed, to test your changes.