
⌨Amazing, extendable, readable autohotkey scripts framework utilized by Capslock.

Primary LanguageAutoHotkey




Amazing, extendable, readable autohotkey scripts framework utilized by Capslock.

Original core concept is to make your Capslock key as a new fn. You have to install AutoHotkey first.

Latest Release V0.2.2

New Features

  • Screen Split ! (just like win + left/right in Win10, but support split horizontally)


This project is updating very quickly. If you pulled the latest version, remember to delete the old ini files in order to load new ones to gain new features.

However, I made a menu for you to do this quickly.



  • Plug in and play & Function based script & Easy to read
  • HyperTrans (translation)
  • HyperSwitch (switch windows quickly)
  • HyperTab (intelligent replace & search text)
  • HyperSearch (intelligent search)
  • HyperNotify (amazing UI for notification)

This project is in progress. Other fantastic functions will be joined.



Basic usage is according to the default settings. If you are not starter of AHK, just ignore this. These settings are in HyperSettings.ini.

In the following part, I will ignore capslock in keyset.

key function description
` toggle capslock
alt+1 switch to virtual desktop 1 win10 only
alt+2 switch to virtual desktop 2 create desktop before you use it
alt+3 switch to virtual desktop 3
h move left
j move down
k move up
l move right
u page up
p page down
i move to start
o move to end
c copy
v paste
volume up invisible in win7, but visible in win10
volume down
prev virtual desktop
next virtual desktop
space toggle window always on top
1,2,3,4,5 window bind
tab hyper tab
s hyper search
t google translate
alt+r reload script or settings
alt+t enable double click translate
alt+w move the window to the top press this key again will move the window back
alt+s move the window to the bottom
alt+a move the window to the left
alt+d move the window to the right
alt+q maximize/restore the window
alt+e minimize the window

By the way, you may want to suspend | restart the script when you play games. Press Alt + Esc will help. And its icon will change.

Here follows the basic configuration in HyperSettings.ini

Admin=0 ;run as admin
ScriptMonitor=1 ;notify you about the changes of the scripts
SettingMonitor=1 ;notify you about the changes of the setting
StartUp=1 ;start on windows start

New Feature

I have redesigned the default tray UI. Take a look.



Default action of double click the icon is to open the directory of Capslock++. Now you can easily modify settings by right click the icon. Also, when your mouse is over the icon, there will be a status information.

More menu options will be joined later.


Default translation is triggered by Capslock + t. You have to select a word or a sentence at first.

Here's some examples for you to test.


Here's some pictures for demo. demo1 demo2 demo3

Also, language support has been added to HyperSettings.ini. Remember to use the language shortcut.

TargetLanguage=zh ; for example, change this to es (spanish)
TransDoubleClickBackend=cgdict ; only support english to chinese. change this to google for more translation.

Surprising New Feature

Double Click To Translate

  • First press Capslock + Alt + t to enable/disable it.
  • Then double click a word, it will be translated!
  • Add cgdict translation for single. You can also change this to google



HyperSwitch is designed for quick switch between multiple windows. Extremely good for those who need to work with multiple window applications.

I have implemented 2 types of window switch functions.

Type 1

  • WindowA can be used for most applications.
  • WindowB should be used for web browser. There is little difference from WindowA

These two functions need to be configured before you use it.

Check default HyperWinSettings.ini

exe=C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe
id=ahk_class Chrome_WidgetWin_1 ahk_exe chrome.exe

Just put information of your application here, and assign a key to it, then you can use it by press Capslock + key. key can also be alt_a if you want Capslock + alt + a.

About id, you can figure it out by using windowspy, which it installed by autohotkey.

After you finish configuration, it will be auto loaded. The manner of Type 1 functions is:

  • Start your application if not started
  • Active your application window if not activated
  • Minimize your application window if activated

Type 2

  • WindowC can dynamicly bind any window.

Type 2 function does not require any configuration. But it need to be assigned to keymap.

Check Default HyperSettings.ini


The manner is similar to Type 1:

  • If no window bind, bind current window
  • Active your application window if not activated
  • Minimize your application window if activated

To clear a window bind, you got two ways.

  • Close the binded window, press its binded key again
  • Press Casplock + -, then its binded key

I only assign 5 WindowC by default. It supports at most 10 window. But I guess you will never use that much.


HyperTab helps you to auto complete some long strings with simple words, triggered by CapsLock + Tab.

Take a look at default HyperSetting.ini, you will find this

sample=this is a Tab sample

Move your cursor after the word sample, press CapsLock + Tab, and it will be auto replaced by this is a TabHotString sample

However, I have implemented function support.

In lib/basicfunc.ahk, you will find this function

GetDateTime(fmt := "yyyy/M/d")
    FormatTime, CurrentDateTime,, %fmt%
    return CurrentDateTime

And just use function between <>, it will be automatically evaluated. What if I need to use < or > instead of a function call? Use <<, >> instead.


[before] date1 -> [after] 2018/10/6
[before] date2 -> [after] 2018-10-6

Also multiple functions call is supported.

If you want to add your HotString into it, just change HyperSettings.ini. If you need other function, check UserScript in Usage.

Surprising New Feature

Autocomplete & suggestion has been added to HyperTab. Currently it will give you suggestions of the last word you input, with the backend of BaiduSuggest. However I have implemented GoogleSuggest, which is blocked from mainland. Check this.


Use tab or enter to autocomplete the word. Use up, down or Capslock + k, Capslock + j to choose item. You can also use your mouse to click.


HyperNotify is a notification UI. Here follows some example.




Configuration is simple.


About MsgLevel, set 0 to show all notifications including DEBUG. However, sometimes it is annoying. Set to 1 to show all necessary notifications including INFO, SUCCESS and WARNING. Set to 2 to show only WARNING. Higher number means no notification will show up (Same as setting Enable to 0).

About Style, I have implemented three styles for you. slide means the notification will slide in ane slide out. fade means fade in and fade out. none means no any effect.

About Max, 5 is enough for you to use. It is useful when you need to use DEBUG mode.

There is a simple tray menu for you to quickly change MsgLevel.



HyperSearch is designed for intelligent search for the selected text, triggered by Capslock + s. Here's some examples

this is a sentence

For web url, HyperSearch will open it in your default web browser. For file or folder, it will open it by your default program (notepad for .txt file, for example). For word or sentence, it will trigger translation.

Further features are incoming.


Now if want to put your script into capslock++.ahk, your have to follow these:

  • All scripts should not use global. If your global variable is important, put them into HyperSettings.RunTime (check settings.ahk). However, if you insist to use global, there is little chance to get you into trouble. I suggest you use static more.
  • All scripts are function based. Prevent the use of label outside the function.
  • If some functions can be reused by other script, put it into basicfunc.ahk. Also you can #include lib/basicfunc.ahk, #include lib/Gui.ahk.
  • Leave one function as a entry for keymap if you want to map a key to it.


  • Just move your script into lib or script.
  • If your want to map a key to it, just change HyperSettings.ini.
  • Press Capslock + Alt + r to reload the script.



Ignore Capslock++ on some applications. Edit this in HyperSettings.ini.


Just throw the execute file names into [ignore] and set values to 1. And 0 means nothing.




2020/2/14 version

  • refine translate (need to delete your old HyperSettings.ini)

2019/1/8 version 0.2.7

  • fix function IsDesktop
  • add Ignore

2018/12/23 version 0.2.6

  • add cgdict translation (more features of translation are incoming)

2018/10/30 version 0.2.5

  • better window snap

2018/10/23 version 0.2.4

  • bug fix for runfunc
  • windowutil.ahk refine

2018/10/21 version 0.2.3

  • add disable on full screen option for notify
  • add disable on full screen option the whole script

2018/10/18 version 0.2.2

this is a release version

  • chinese readme of the latest version
  • tray menu update

2018/10/17 version 0.2.1

next version will be a release version

  • merge autocomplete & suggestion into HyperTab
  • code refine
  • readme refine
  • tray menu design


  • bug hunt & fix
  • chinese version readme
  • documention

2018/10/16 version 0.2.0

still not a stable version due to new feature

  • experimental autocomplete and its suggestion list box
  • HyperSearch


  • refine framework itself for better support of future features
  • bug, bug, bug. I can't find them all on my own!!! Please help
  • finish autocomplete and hypersearch

2018/10/14 version 0.1.9

  • UI bug fix
  • Notify


  • find and fix bugs
  • add intelligent search

2018/10/12 version 0.1.8

this is not a stable version. i'm trying to make a better ui. next stable version will be 0.2.0

  • refine UI
  • trying to use thread to make user action faster
  • icon design

2018/10/11 version 0.1.7

  • add multi lines translation
  • add suspend msg

2018/10/10 version 0.1.6

  • chinese version readme
  • refine settings.ahk
  • add language choice in HyperSettings.ini
  • add double click to translate

2018/10/9 version 0.1.5

this is a most bug-fix edition

  • fix startup error
  • fix mouseisover function not found
  • fix userinput block when call windowcclear
  • better error/exception message
  • better notification ui
  • fix windowc bind the desktop


  • chinese version

2018/10/8 version 0.1.4

  • add translation tooltip
  • add httpget, tooltip to basicfunc

2018/10/7 version 0.1.3

  • add some useful basic func, like splashtext, streq..
  • refine includer to avoid some problem
  • add more option like icon, admin in INI file
  • add windowswitch usage to readme

2018/10/6 version 0.1.2

  • add function support to HyperTab
  • add HyperTab usage to readme

2018/10/5 version 0.1.1

  • add desktoputil
  • better autoloader and settingwatcher
  • add startup support
  • add some usage

2018/10/4 version 0.1.0

  • init commit
  • add auto includer (all ahk file will be auto include, so you don't need to write a #Include)
  • add hot change support (autoload scripts and .ini)