
Experimental Vim key bindings for Godot's built-in script editor.

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT


This project aims to bring Vim keybindings to Godot's script editor.


Development is currently on hold. You may wish to use it as a starting point for further development or for understanding how the script editor works (or worked).

Getting Started

The module in its current state is a work in progress and much has to be done in order to make it more usable. If you want to try it out, just follow the steps below.


Because it is written as a C++ module, GodotVim needs Godot to be compiled from source in order to work.

First, clone Godot to your local (and set up your favorite C++ editor if you want to tinker with the code). The plugin currently only works with Godot 2.1.

git clone -b 2.1 git@github.com:godotengine/godot.git

Clone godot-vim:

git clone git@github.com:dcampos/godot-vim.git

Copy or symlink the folder godot_vim of the plugin into the modules folder of the godot repository. Then compile Godot as per the official documentation.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details