No configuration camera photos sorting.
This tool is intended to rename photo files downloaded straight from camera
before any processing is done. It's searching for all photos not having prefix
like YYYYmmdd-HHMMSS_
(like 20190610-042345_
Then extract EXIF
creation date and time and use it for new name.
Input folder structure does not matter. All supported files will be moved
to new place.
=> 2020/2020-06-18/20200618-121314__dsc7890.arw
Sidecar files like jpg
, jpeg
or xmp
also will be sorted (xmp
will use
photo creation date and time).
Output folder structure:
├── 2019
│ ├── 2019-06-10
│ │ ├── 20190610-042345_0101.arw
│ │ ├── 20190610-042345_0101.jpg
│ │ └── 20190610-042345_0203.arw
│ └── 2019-11-23
│ ├── 20191123-234512_0101.arw
│ ├── 20191123-234512_0101.arw.xmp
│ └── 20190610-234512_0102.arw
└── 2020
└── 2020-03-08
├── 20200308-123445_101.arw
├── 20200308-123446_00101.nef
└── 20200308-123447_02.cr2
This way even if you shoot with multiple cameras all photos will be sorted properly (if you synchronize time on all cameras).
Next you can change subfolders names to contain more useful info like
. This way if you want to copy/move this folder
somewhere else it will always have unique name.
You need to remove old and empty folders by hand (it leave them just in case).
Warning: if destination file with same name already exists it will be overwritten. Thanks to using time with seconds in new file names this should almost never happen with different photos.
Download last release.
or install with Go:
go get -u -v
You can also run last stable version with Docker, add to your bashrc/zshrc:
sort-camera-photos() {
docker run -it --rm \
--volume "${PWD}":"${PWD}" \
--workdir "${PWD}" \
--user $(id -u ${USER}):$(id -g ${USER}) \
--name sort-camera-photos-local-docker \
matrixik/sort-camera-photos "$@"
Go to folder where you want to rename all image files and run program
Source of folder name structure idea:
Additional good info: