Transport Operator to Mobility Provider-API development for Mobility as a Service

Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Transport Operator Mobility Provider (TOMP) API development Github

Working group meeting in the Netherlands every two weeks with the goal to develop 
and specify a generic TOMP-API for use by Transport Operators and Mobility Providers by Jan 1st 2020.

OpenAPI 3.0 documentation is also available at https://app.swaggerhub.com/apis-docs/efel85/TOMP/1.1#/ 

To document the latest developments, a Blueprint for an Transport Operator to Mobility Provider API is provided
The latest version of this Blueprint is available at:
https://github.com/maas-nl/TOMP-API/tree/master/documents or through dutchmobilityinnovations.com.

Also, a WIKI-page has been set up as a quick start guide for developers interested in using the TOMP-API: 

For more information, contact bon.bakermans@minienw.nl

The workgroup has active participation from (pending permission to disclose further names):

Radiuz - Jef Heyse and Himanshu Gautam
Nazza - Rob Verkerk and Gerke Henkes
Trevvel/Paxx - Robert Baart
Intraffic - Pim van der Toolen
Cargoroo - Ross Curzon-Butler
University of Twente - Steven Haveman and J. Roberto Reyes García
Stapp.in - Reinald Bronkhorst
Stichting OpenGeo - Stefan de Konink
Mobiliteitsfabriek - Martijn van der Linden
Taxistop - Tjalle Groen
PON (Next Urban Mobility, Shuttel, Dockr, Check) - Marijn Roverts
Innovactory - Stefan Bollars
DAT Mobility
European Travellers Club

Testing environment available through http://maas-nl-hub.westeurope.cloudapp.azure.com/GTOAS/swagger/