
Vue OOP: Universal library which helps to build OOP-driven models for GraphQL and RESTful API for Vue components. Influenced by Laravel Eloquent Models & Collections.

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Universal library which helps to build OOP-driven models for GraphQL and RESTful API for Vue components. Influenced by Laravel Eloquent Models & Collections.

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Note. If you looking for v1 of this library, switch to a relevant branch.


  • Model is a class which acts as a base entity for your models extending this class.
  • Repository is a class which manages Model collections (retrieval one or many)
  • Registry is a Registry storage
  • Collection is a Proxy based on collect.js package.
  • Full encapsulation of GraphQL queries & mutations. No need to call them manually, all you need is to call you Model's methods.
  • All arrays retrieved from GraphQL will be hydrated with respectful collections of models.
  • Supports lazy-loading of GraphQL documents.
  • Supports events & hooks for customization.
  • TypeScript 3.9.
  • Collect.JS.
  • Apollo (if GraphQL activated).


npm i vue-oop -S


yarn add vue-oop

Configuration for GraphQL:

// Import the library itself
import VueOOP from 'vue-oop';

// Install the plugin
Vue.use(VueOOP, {
  graphql: true,
  schemaUrl: '',

Configuration for REST:

// Import the library itself
import VueOOP from 'vue-oop';

// Install the plugin


Basic Usage

Step 1. Define your model:

// @/models/Client.js
import { Model } from 'vue-oop';

export default class Client extends Model {
  name = 'John';
  email = 'john@doe.com';

Step 2. Define your repository:

// @/repositories/ClientRepository.js
import { Repository } from 'vue-oop';
import Client from '@/models/Client';

export default class ClientRepository extends Repository {
  model = Client;
  // For REST
  // queryMany = '/api/v1/clients';

  // For GraphQL
  // queryMany: () => import('@/gql/clients/queries/fetchClients.gql');

Step 3. Use it in your component:

     <li v-if="clients.loading">Loading...</li>
     <li v-else-if="clients.error">Loading Failed! Reason: {{ clients.lastError.message }}</li>
     <li v-else v-for="(client, index) in clients.dataset.all()" :key="index">
       <p>Name: {{ client.name }}</p>
       <p>Email: {{ client.email }}</p>

import ClientRepository from '@/repositories/ClientRepository';

export default {
  data: () => ({
    clients: new ClientRepository(),

  created() {
     <li v-if="clients.loading">Loading...</li>
     <li v-else-if="clients.error">Loading Failed! Reason: {{ clients.lastError.message }}</li>
     <li v-else v-for="(client, index) in clients.dataset.all()" :key="index">
       <p>Name: {{ client.name }}</p>
       <p>Email: {{ client.email }}</p>

<script lang="ts">
import Vue from 'vue';
import Component from 'vue-class-component';
import ClientRepository from '@/repositories/ClientRepository';

export default class ClientsPage extends Vue {
  clients = new ClientRepository(),

  created() {

Advanced Usage

Dynamic Repository Query Params

Sometimes we need to be able to pass params NOT in .many() or .one(). It happens, for example, when .many() is called not by you (i.e. 3rd party library or just other component).

To achieve this, you can use the following syntax:

    <button v-if="userId" @click="repository.many()">Fetch</button>

// ...
data: () => ({
  repository: new MyRepository(),

watch: {
  userId(id) {
    this.repository.queryParams = { id };
// ...

Now when the userId variable changed, the queryParams are also updated and ready to be called.


Feel free to submit your pull-requests, ideas, proposals and bug reports!

Coming in a next major releases:

  • Add dynamic query builder & fields
    • Add default fields to fetch with an ability to customize
  • Add decorators
    • @OneToMany, @ManyToMany, @ManyToOne, @OneToOne relations between models
    • @Field with castTo, castFrom, nullable options
  • Add subscriptions & events example
  • Add cursor-based pagination
  • Write more tests & coverage support
  • Add scaffolding support
  • Publishing as monorepo with vue-oop-table