
Primary LanguageTypeScript



Running Dev Env

  • Run yarn install to add dependencies (you can also use npm if you want).
  • Create a .env file on the root directory.
  • Define the DATABASE_URL environment varible in your .env file with the right parameters for connecting to your postgres database.
    • Schema: [database type]://[username]:[password]@[host]:[port]/[database name]
    • Example: postgres://foo:foo@heroku.com:5432/hellodb
  • Define the MASTER_SECRET environment in your .env file with a relatively long string.
  • Run yarn migrate to run database migrations.
  • Run yarn dev to run the API on port 3000. The API will auto restart with each code change.
  • You can use yarn cli for creating users and access tokens.

Running Tests

  • Run yarn install to add dependencies (you can also use npm if you want).
  • Create a .env file on the root directory.
  • Define the DATABASE_URL environment varible in your .env file with the right parameters for connecting to your postgres database.
    • Schema: [database type]://[username]:[password]@[host]:[port]/[database name]
    • Example: postgres://foo:foo@heroku.com:5432/hellodb
  • Define the MASTER_SECRET environment in your .env file with a relatively long string.
  • Run yarn test to run tests.

Running Production

  • Run yarn install to add dependencies (you can also use npm if you want).
  • Create a .env file on the root directory.
  • Define the DATABASE_URL environment varible in your .env file with the right parameters for connecting to your postgres database.
    • Schema: [database type]://[username]:[password]@[host]:[port]/[database name]
    • Example: postgres://foo:foo@heroku.com:5432/hellodb
  • Define the MASTER_SECRET environment in your .env file with a relatively long string.
  • Define the NODE_ENV environment in your .env file as production to disable unnecesarry bells and whistles and provide a clear JSON log.
  • Run yarn migrate to run database migrations.
  • Run yarn start to run the API on port 3000 (You can also customize it by using the PORT env variable). The API will auto restart with each code change.
  • You can use yarn cli for creating users and access tokens.

Running with Docker

  • Make sure the following env variables are defined correctly
    • BIND_ADDRESS: HTTP server binds to by default to avoid exposing the api to unwanted networks
    • DATABASE_URL: Connection string for your database
    • DATABASE_SSL: Make sure you set it to true if your database requires a SSL connection (ex: Heroku)
    • MASTER_SECRET: Will be used for generating and validating access tokens
    • NODE_ENV: Setting it to production will disable unnecesarry bells and whistles and provide a clear JSON log.
  • If you want to run tests in the docker container (CI/CD purposes) you need to use TEST_DATABASE_URL env variable instead of DATABASE_URL
  • Don't forget to run yarn migrate to run database migrations after initial deploy (and also schema changes).
  • Alternatively you can also run docker-compose --build up to run it with docker compose. Then you'll need to run the commands via docker execute or docker run.


  • GET /users/me will return the authenticated user
    • Requires a valid accessToken query parameter
  • GET /tasks will return the list of all tasks.
    • status query parameter can be used for filtering based on status (supported values: TO_DO, IN_PROGRESS, COMPLETED)
  • POST /tasks will create a new task
    • Requires a valid accessToken query parameter
    • Requires a JSON body. Example { "task": { "name": "HELLO WORLD", "status": "COMPLETED" } };
  • PUT /tasks/:id will update an existing new task
    • Requires a valid accessToken query parameter
    • Requires a JSON body. Example { "task": { "name": "HELLO WORLD", "status": "COMPLETED" } };
  • DELETE /tasks/:id will delete an existing new task
    • Requires a valid accessToken query parameter

How To Create Users And Generate Access Tokens

  • App comes with a light CLI that allows you to create users by email and generate access tokens (expires in 7 days).
  • yarn cli generate-user [email] will generate a user for the provided email.
  • yarn cli generate-access-token [email] will generate an access token for the user with the provided email.
  • Generated access token can be passed with accessToken query parameter for authenticating as a user.

Further Things To Consider

  • Schema management can be done better.
    • Entity schemas defined in entity files
    • Considering easier (with fluent-json-schema) or automated schemas.
    • Typeorm's and Fastify's validation approaches have an overlap. Maybe can be streamlined.
  • Auto generated documentation.
    • Adding swagger docs would be nice.
  • A CI/CD flow with coverage thresholds