- 1
- 0
Chapter 3: Denial of Service vulnerability
#80 opened by mtlynch - 0
Chapter 3: Remote code execution vulnerability
#79 opened by mtlynch - 0
- 1
Need to specify loaclhost or IP on Mac for a nsqd, or messages cannot be consumed.
#68 opened by denis-trofimov - 1
Chapter 1 Websockets ServeHTTP:websocket: the client is not using the websocket protocol: 'upgrade' token not found in 'Connection' header
#77 opened by sarvang00 - 11
chapter10 - vaultd run error
#42 opened by bolerap - 0
- 0
- 1
- 2
reflect: reflect.flag.mustBeAssignable using value obtained using unexported field
#71 opened by Altiano - 1
- 1
#chapter 1
#72 opened by LucaPaterlini - 1
Tracer does not default to off ....
#70 opened by ZylleDK - 4
chapter 1 chat undefined: newRoom
#69 opened by dprigh - 1
twitter.go missing from chapter 5 and 6
#56 opened by VhatAmI - 2
- 2
chapter10: vaultcli run error
#62 opened by pocoz - 0
Chapter 3: Map check in client not needed
#61 opened by razvan-tache - 1
Chapter 4 build.bat on windows
#55 opened by VhatAmI - 2
chapter 1 chat undefined: newRoom
#58 opened by nattaphat - 0
Twitter username in twittervotes?
#57 opened by VhatAmI - 2
- 1
Stuck on chapter1 - undefined: newRoom in main.go
#52 opened by ldynia - 2
[Chapter 1] First Chat client typo
#47 opened by LeamHall - 2
[Enhancement] Make changes more visible
#48 opened by LeamHall - 1
[Chapter 1] Print edition odd characters
#49 opened by LeamHall - 2
[Chapter 1] templateHandler sync.Once
#50 opened by dafeng - 1
Will it scale? Iterating over clients
#51 opened by thalesfsp - 2
- 1
Missing flag.Parse() in main.go (Chapter 6)
#41 opened by embano1 - 2
- 2
- 2
Address on listen and server method
#40 opened by ehernandez-xk - 1
Chapter2: Syntax error
#39 opened by ehernandez-xk - 1
api keys found in git repo
#34 opened by mhamrah - 1
Ch 5.
#33 opened by timjacobi - 2
- 1
Ch. 6: Wrong tag string in `poll` struct.
#20 opened by ReSTARTR - 2
- 1
Ch. 4 thesaurus, description incorrect
#32 opened by timjacobi - 2
- 1
Room.go imports
#21 opened by jekriske - 2
- 2
- 1
Running list of revisions from 1st edition
#30 opened by josephreynolds - 0
Headers should always be set via Set method
#28 opened by matryer - 3
chat.go unable to comple: Undefined room
#19 opened by anthonyjp87 - 3
- 2
websocket: version != 13
#26 opened by matipan