
Evolutionary algorithms for promoter architecture design. A repository for my undergraduate thesis.

Primary LanguagePython

BEng Project

A repository for code used in my bachelor's of engineering thesis entitled:

Evolving Promoter Architectures for Encoding Extracellular Information within Budding Yeast

Table of Contents

  1. Structure
  2. Installation
    1. Dependencies
    2. Data
  3. Simulations, Visualisations, and Benchmarking
  4. Running Jobs
  5. Running Tests


The project's structure is given as follows:

├── archive                       # Archive of my previous attempt
├── cache                         # Cached JSONs, numpy arrays, and images
├── data                          # Experimental data
├── /evolution
│   ├─── /genetic
│   │   ├── /operators             
│   │   │   ├── crossover.py      # Crossover operators for promoter models
│   │   │   ├── mutation.py       # Mutation operators for promoter models 
│   │   │   └── selection.py      # Selection operators for promoter models
│   │   ├── penalty.py            # A collection of penalty functions
│   │   └── runner.py             # Genetic algorithm runner
│   ├─── /novelty
│   │   ├── metrics.py            # Distance metrics for promoter models
│   │   └── runner.py             # Novelty search with local competition runner
│   └── wrapper.py                # Model wrapper for storing stats, e.g. fitness
├── /examples
│   ├── benchmarking.py           # Benchmarking of simulations
│   ├── genetic_analysis.py       # Analysis of past GA runs
│   ├── mi_trends.py              # Trends in MI as methodology is tweaked
│   ├── optimisation.py           # Model rates optimisation
│   ├── tutorial.py               # Tutorial examples to get started
│   └── visualisation.py          # Visualisation of models and trajectories
├── /jobs
│   ├── job.py                    # Abstract class for jobs/tasks to be run
│   └── routine_jobs.py           # Routine jobs to run
├── main.py                       # Main file
├── /mi_estimation
│   ├── decoding.py               # Decoding-based MI estimator
│   └── estimator.py              # Abstract class for MI estimators
├── /models
│   ├── generator.py              # Random model generator
│   ├── model.py                  # Promoter model class
│   ├── preset.py                 # Set of familiar models
│   └── /rates
│       └── function.py           # Rate functions taking exogenous input
├── /optimisation
│   └── grid_search.py            # Grid search on simple models
│   └── particle_swarm.py         # Particle swarm on general models
├── /pipeline
│   ├── one_step_decoding.py      # One-step + Decoding pipeline
│   └── pipeline.py               # Pipeline class
├── requirements.txt              # Package dependencies list
├── run_job.py                    # Entrypoint for running jobs
├── run_test.py                   # Entrypoint for running tests
├── /ssa
│   ├── one_step.py               # One-step Master equation simulator
│   └── simulator.py              # Abstract class for trajectory simulators
├── /tests
│   ├── distance_metrics.py       # Tests promoter model distances are metrics
│   ├── genetic_operator.py       # Tests genetic operators behave as expected
│   ├── mi_estimation.py          # Tests MI estimation is robust
│   └── test.py                   # Class for running and tallying tests
└── /utils
    ├── data.py                   # Class for inheritting access to data
    └── process.py                # Processing of experimental data



Set up a virtual environment, e.g.

virtualenv venv
source venv/bin/activate

Install packages with pip.

pip3 install -r requirements.txt

As of writing, at least Python 3.10 is required to accommodate certain package versions.


Populate the /data folder with the data expected (see /data/README.md). This is necessary for the bulk of simulations to work.

Simulations, Visualisations, and Benchmarking

Examples on accessing the library classes and functions are all documented in the /examples folder. The main.py file contains commented-out snippets taken from there which can be run by uncommenting and importing as appropriate. More information on these snippets can be found within their function declarations.

Running Jobs

The /jobs folder contains a high-level abstraction for running common tasks in parallel on job-scheduling platforms (e.g. for an HPC cluster). Jobs are run through run_job.py. More information on the expected command-line arguments can be found in /jobs/README.md.

Running Tests

The /tests folder contains tests pertaining to parts of the project methodology. Run python3 run_test.py to run all tests.