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Error when running Knife solo cook
#541 opened by mgivi - 2
Chef solo version detection fails on a Debian 9
#539 opened by zedtux - 7
Unable to accept the Chef License Acceptance
#538 opened by zedtux - 6
passing knife solo bootstrape the ssh usernmae and password still result with prompts for password
#483 opened by tal5ab - 4
Chef not installing in google cloud server
#537 opened by ramachandranv - 13
#530 opened by florian-asche - 10
gem dependency conflicts
#517 opened by el-dude - 8
knife google server create => uninitialized constant KnifeSolo::Bootstraps
#534 opened by osimmasgard - 2
I wonder how the version of chef, that knife solo prepare installs on the target, is chosen.
#532 opened by janskarvall - 1
net-ssh gem version conflict when running knife solo prepare using chefdk 2.5.3-1
#531 opened by janskarvall - 1
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Installing github version in chefdk for Windows
#523 opened by bgiddings - 1
Incompatible with newer OpenSSL versions
#520 opened by autarchprinceps - 6
- 0
cipes metadata.rb
#514 opened by dni - 2
Gem::ConflictError net-ssh-4.1.0
#513 opened by matejvelikonja - 4
knife solo prepare fails on AWS CentOS 7 AMI
#472 opened by plentz - 3
break with ChefDK 0.13.21
#488 opened by chrisduong - 1
Release v0.6.1
#512 opened by ifeltsweet - 1
knife-solo, net-ssh, and ed25519
#511 opened by chapmajs - 1
Bootstrap CentOS 7 error
#510 opened by Ilya-Kuchaev - 3
Make file_cache_path configurable
#508 opened by benthorner - 4
Support solo_legacy_mode
#503 opened by hirose31 - 0
Notification test
#502 opened by matschaffer-test - 3
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Could not satisfy version constraints for: chef-solo-search due to multiple versions
#496 opened by house9 - 6
knife bootstrap fails with an rsync error
#489 opened by percov - 5
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Get terminal output from remote server
#493 opened by jbwyatt4 - 0
OpenSUSE Leap not recognized
#491 opened by DStape - 15
berks upload fails with gem error on 0.10.0
#476 opened by janskarvall - 1
some hosts return corrupted mac detected error
#487 opened by tal5ab - 4
knife solo cook fails with an rsync error
#475 opened by chrisvel - 2
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Compatibility with berkshelf from chefdk 0.10.0
#478 opened by matschaffer - 0
- 0
Replace SLES AMI
#480 opened by matschaffer - 5
Setting attributes in node or role file not working
#479 opened by jbwyatt4 - 5
Impossible to use on Windows
#477 opened by rthideaway - 0
How to invoke chef-shell on target
#474 opened by axos88 - 5
knife solo cook rsync error
#469 opened by dale11 - 21
Runtime error with MINGW64_NT-10.0
#465 opened by darkn3rd - 4
Environment attribute differs from chef-server
#464 opened by rmoriz - 7
knife-solo and data bag encryption
#461 opened by rajanshah - 5
- 1
Elementary Os: Distribution not recognized
#460 opened - 1
Authy SSH blocks knife cook
#458 opened by stephenyeargin - 0
Missing support for Mac os x 10.10 (Yosemite)
#455 opened by derektamsen