
Arduino that emits J1850 messages used for testing of j1850decoder

Primary LanguageArduino


Arduino that emits J1850 messages used for testing of j1850decoder. I used a 16MHz Arduino Uno, but any Arduino should do if the ports are checked..

By pulling input 7/6/5 to gound you can choose between message patterns, sent each 800mSec. Harley Davidson Sportster OBD2 data within parenthesis:

p# 7 6 5

      • 0000 (zeros)
    • X ffff (ones)
  • X - 281b10021000 (rpm)
  • X X 482910020700 (speed) X - - a83b10030f (gear) X - X a8836112d8 (fuel gage) X X - a849101085 (engine temp) X X X The bytes below with 50mSec delay between 2B1B10021000 482910020700 A83B10030F A849101085 48DA403901 (turn left) 48DA403902 (turn right)