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Benchmarking phylogenetic inference for B cell receptors

This code repository contains an scons pipeline to run a number of phylogenetic inference tools for simulated B cell receptor sequences. The standard workflow involves 1) simulate sequences, 2) run X phylogenetic tools, and 3) compare true with inferred and report differences. The same workflow is also used to run comparisons based on isotype misplacement scores. Pre-run simulation results and their corresponding scons commands can be found in our Zenodo bucket. We have a preprint article describing the results of the benchmark.

Cloning this repo

Clone this GitHub repo recursively to get the necessary submodules:

git clone --recursive https://github.com/matsengrp/bcr-phylo-benchmark.git
cd bcr-phylo-benchmark
git pull --recurse-submodules https://github.com/matsengrp/bcr-phylo-benchmark.git


There are two supported ways of installing this pipeline: 1) using Conda on Linux and 2) using Docker and the provided Dockerfile or image. The Conda installation has only been tested on Ubuntu. For testing we highly recommend using Docker which is supported by most platforms.

Using Conda

First, install Conda for Python 2. Miniconda is sufficient and much faster at installing. Remember to source ~/.bashrc if continuing installing in the same terminal window.

Install dependencies with apt-get:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade -y
sudo apt-get install -y libpq-dev build-essential xvfb libblas-dev liblapack-dev gfortran autotools-dev automake

Install perl modules:

cpan PDL
cpan install PDL::LinearAlgebra::Trans

IgPhyML is provided but needs to be recompiled due to its use of hard-coded full path:

cd tools/IgPhyML
cd ../..

Use the conda environment yaml file to create the "bpb" conda environment:

conda env create -f environment_bpb.yml

After installation, the Conda environment needs to be loaded every time before use, like this:

source activate bpb

Using Docker

First install Docker.

We have a Docker image on Docker Hub that is automatically kept up to date with the master branch of this repository. UPDATE unfortunately this docker image isn't being updated at the moment, sorry. It can be pulled and used directly:

sudo docker pull krdav/bcr-phylo-benchmark

Alternatively you can build the container yourself from inside the main repository directory:

sudo docker build -t bpb .

To run this container, use a command such as (see modifications below)

sudo docker run -it -v host-dir:/host krdav/bcr-phylo-benchmark /bin/bash
  • replace host-dir with the local directory to which you would like access inside your container
  • replace /host with the place you would like this directory to be mounted
  • if you built your own container, use bpb in place of krdav/bcr-phylo-benchmark

Detach using ctrl-p ctrl-q.

Inside the docker container the Conda environment needs to be loaded every time before use, like this:

source activate bpb


  • Python 2 with conda
    • Python dependencies kept in environment_bpb.yml
  • GCtree the GitHub repo should be kept under ./tools/gctree/
    • Provided as a submodule
  • PHYLIP dnaml and dnapars stored under ./tools/dnaml/dnaml and ./tools/dnapars/dnapars respectively  * Precompile Linux binaries provided for both programs
  • IQ-TREE stored under ./tools/IQ-TREE/iqtree
    • Precompile Linux binaries provided
  • IgPhyML stored under ./tools/IgPhyML/src/igphyml
    • Provided as a submodule
  • SAMM the GitHub repo should be kept under ./tools/samm/
    • Provided as a submodule
  • perl5, with modules:
    • PDL
    • PDL::LinearAlgebra::Trans

Sequence simulation

Simulation commands with reasonable model parameters. UPDATE While the commands listed here should generally work, some arguments have been updated, so you should refer to the --help messages for definitive descriptions.

Neutral simulation

This command will simulate a poisson branching process, with progeny distribution lambda=1.5, under a neutral mutation model i.e. no selection and therefore static progeny distribution, and terminate when 75 unterminated leaves are populating the tree. The number of mutations to introduce in a daugther cell is drawn from another possion distribution (lambda0=0.365) introducing mutations at a rate of approx. 1e-3, similar to real SHM rates. The positions and substitutions to use to introduce the mutations drawn follow an empirical substitution probability distribution derived from motifs. The tree is generated from a naive sequence seed, which will also be the root of the tree. A naive seed sequence is drawn randomly from the naive sequences provided in sequence_data/AbPair_naive_seqs.fa.

TMPDIR=/tmp xvfb-run -a python bin/simulator.py --mutability motifs/Mutability_S5F.csv --substitution motifs/Substitution_S5F.csv --outbase neutral_sim --lambda 1.5 --lambda0 0.365 --N 75 --random_seq sequence_data/AbPair_naive_seqs.fa > neut_simulator.log

The output consists of different informative files e.g. SVG renderings of the trees. The tree structure with internal nodes, leaves and associated sequences can be loaded from the pickled ETE3 tree object:

from ete3 import TreeNode, TreeStyle, NodeStyle, SVG_COLORS
import pickle

with open('neutral_sim_lineage_tree.p', 'rb') as fh:
    tree = pickle.load(fh)

# Print tree in ASCII:
# Root name and sequence:

Selection simulation

This command will simulate a poisson branching process coupled with a selection process. The progeny distribution is dynamically set for each cell in the simulation and depends on its fitness defined by its similarity to any of set a number of "target" sequences (here equal to 100), and by the fitness of the rest of the cell population (carrying capacity of 1000 cells). Possion lambda=2 is the maximum progeny distribution and lambda is then adjusted smaller according to the cell fitness. The simulation terminates after 35 rounds of evaluating the progeny for all live cells, then 60 leaves are randomly picked from the whole cell population and the tree is pruned to remove all non-picked leaves. The number of mutations to introduce in a daugther cell is drawn from another possion distribution (lambda0=0.365) introducing mutations at a rate of approx. 1e-3, similar to real SHM rates. The positions and substitutions to use to introduce the mutations drawn follow an empirical substitution probability distribution derived from motifs. The tree is generated from a naive sequence seed, which will also be the root of the tree. A naive seed sequence is drawn randomly from the naive sequences provided in sequence_data/AbPair_naive_seqs.fa.

TMPDIR=/tmp xvfb-run -a python bin/simulator.py --mutability motifs/Mutability_S5F.csv --substitution motifs/Substitution_S5F.csv --outbase selection_sim --lambda0 0.365 --T 35 --n 60 --selection --target_dist 5 --target_count 100 --carry_cap 1000 --skip_update 100 --verbose --random_seq sequence_data/AbPair_naive_seqs.fa > sele_simulator.log

The output consists of different informative files e.g. SVG renderings of the trees. The tree structure with internal nodes, leaves and associated sequences can be loaded from the pickled ETE3 tree object:

from ete3 import TreeNode, TreeStyle, NodeStyle, SVG_COLORS
import pickle

with open('selection_sim_lineage_tree.p', 'rb') as fh:
    tree = pickle.load(fh)

# Print tree in ASCII:
# Root name and sequence:

# Traverse through the nodes and print their affinity (Kd):
### N.B. Smaller numberical value of affinity means higher fitness
for node in tree.traverse():

Selection simulation with intermediate sampling

It is also possible to sample at intermediate timepoint during the simuluation with selection. This is done with providing additional timepoint with the --T parameter. Sampled cells are removed from the simulated cell population.

TMPDIR=/tmp xvfb-run -a python bin/simulator.py --mutability motifs/Mutability_S5F.csv --substitution motifs/Substitution_S5F.csv --outbase selection_inter_sim --lambda0 0.365 --T 15 30 45 --n 30 --selection --target_dist 5 --target_count 100 --carry_cap 1000 --skip_update 100 --verbose --random_seq sequence_data/AbPair_naive_seqs.fa > sele_inter_simulator.log

scons pipeline

Two programs are implemented:

  • a simulation/inference/validation program
  • an inference/validation program for isotype data

All commands should be issued from within the bcr-phylo-benchmark repo directory.


scons --simulate ...


scons --simulate --igphyml --gctree --samm_rank --dnapars --dnaml --iqtree --iqtree_option_str="-m 000000" --iqtree_option_str="-m 010010" --iqtree_option_str="-m 123450" --outdir=neutral_sim_validation --xvfb --lambda=1.5 --lambda0=0.1825 --lambda0=0.365 --lambda0=0.73 --N=75 --nsim=1000 --jobs=16 --random_naive="sequence_data/AbPair_naive_seqs.fa"

Required arguments

--N=[int] populaton size to simulate

--outdir=[path] directory for output (created if does not exist)

--igphyml --gctree --samm_rank --dnapars --dnaml --iqtree one or several inference tools

  • For --iqtree the model needs to be defined using --iqtree_option_str e.g. --iqtree_option_str="-m 000000" for JC. For other models replace the six figure model code.

Optional arguments

--naive=[string] DNA sequence of naive sequence from which to begin simulating, a default is used if omitted

--random_naive=[path] path to file with naive DNA sequences. Will be randomly picked for simulation

--lambda=[float, float, ...] values for Poisson branching parameter for simulation, default 2.0. Is overwritten under affinity simulation

--lambda0=[float, float, ...] values for baseline mutation rate, default 0.25

--T=[int] time steps to simulate (alternative to --N)

--nsim=[int] number of simulation of each set of parameter combination, default 10

--n=[int] number of cells to sample from final population, default all

--idlabel label sequence IDs on tree, and write FASTA alignment of distinct sequences. The mapping of the unique names in this FASTA file to the cell names in the original input FASTA file can be found in the output file with suffix .idmap

--selection simulation with affinity selection

--target_dist distance to selection target

--target_count number of targets

--verbose verbose printing

--carry_cap carrying capacity of germinal center

--skip_update skip update step

Isotype validation

scons --exp_data_test ...


scons --exp_data_test --gctree --dnapars --dnaml --igphyml --samm_rank --iqtree --iqtree_option_str="-m 000000" --iqtree_option_str="-m 010010" --iqtree_option_str="-m 123450" --outdir=isotype_validation --xvfb --jobs=10000 --srun --exp_data=isotype_validation_finalset.csv --naiveIDexp=naive

Required arguments

--exp_data=[path] dataset with isotype information

--outdir=[path] directory for output (created if does not exist)

--igphyml --gctree --samm_rank --dnapars --dnaml --iqtree one or several inference tools

  • For --iqtree the model needs to be defined using --iqtree_option_str e.g. --iqtree_option_str="-m 000000" for JC. For other models replace the six figure model code.

Optional arguments for both simulation and isotype validation

--mutability=[path] path to motifs mutability file, default 'motifs/Mutability_S5F.csv'

--substitution=[path] path to motifs substitution file, default 'motifs/Substitution_S5F.csv'

--jobs=[int] number of parallel processes to use

--srun should cluster jobs be submitted with Slurm's srun?

--quick less thorough parsimony tree search (faster, but smaller parsimony forest)

--xvfb needed for X rendering in on remote machines

  • Try setting the above option if you get the error:ETE: cannot connect to X server