
Bintray shut down

markusstraub opened this issue · 4 comments

Bintray was shut down, so is no longer reachable. Could you switch over to e.g. (see

@polettif If you want to use, drop me a line so I can create an account for you to push to the repository.

@polettif If you want to use, drop me a line so I can create an account for you to push to the repository.

Yes, that'd be the best solution, thanks. I might need some help setting it up, I couldn't get the maven release to work with github actions on bintray (some issue with secret tokens).

May I ask how far is the process going? I am having the problems resolving the dependencies on a new machine.

We are currently still working on this. I'd suggest cloning the repository and installing it locally until this is resolved.