
Issue with artificial links generated

federicobigi opened this issue · 5 comments

I'm using pt2matsim. I'll try to explain myself as clear as possible.
I downloaded first the .osm map, and using the MATSim plugin in JOSM I generated the network.xml. After that, I downloaded the GTFS files, executed first the GTFS2Transit to generate both the transit and the vehicles, then I generated the config file with CreateDefaultPtMapperConfig, modified it accordingly in order to generate the final network.
When I finally run the checkmappedscheduleplausability, I saw that the mapper generated around 10k artificial links, even though in the plausability output it could find out the corrected transit route (schedule_TransitRoutes).
I'll attach the zip of the plausability and the config file, maybe I messed up in the generation of the config file.
Kind regards,

Federico Bigi

Also, I'd like to attach this picture: the circles appears to be the artificial links generated for public transport in general

Looks to me like an issue with coordinate systems, there's a note on that in the wiki. Did you convert the schedule to a projected coordinate system?

from the wiki, "It's best to look up the EPSG code of a coordinate system that covers your area of interest and use it as a parameter for the network and schedule conversion.". You mean that, given the osm file and the GTFS files, once I go into the GTF2TransitSchedule, instead of setting WGS84 as the third argument I have to put a code of the interested area? Sorry I'm not so practical with topography and transformations.
Kind regards,


I tried as you mentioned. I initially created the map on JOSM, but today I used your tool (CreateDefaultOsmConfig and then, setting inside the parameters, Osm2MultimodalNetwork) to translate the map using a different EPGS code (EPSG:2169). Then, the I translated the GTFS files as well using the GTF2TransitSchedule using the same code as before. Now, I obtained 1k artificial link. Do you think this number of link is the average or am I still missing something?
Kind regards,


Yes the workflow looks like this:

GTFS (WGS84) -> GtfsTransitSchedule -> MATSim schedule (EPSG:*)  \
OSM (WGS84) -> Osm2MultimodalNetwork -> MATSim network (EPSG:*)  /  

both Gtfs2TransitSchedule and Osm2Multimodalnetwork should convert their input data to a projected coordinate system.

I can't tell whether 1k link is ok for your area but it does seem high. It's generally better to just look at the generated network/schedule (in via) and see if the links make sense or if some parts are missing (e.g. railway). I'd focus on that visual analysis first instead of the plausibility check.