
Primary LanguageJavaGNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0

MATSim Episim application for Jakarta

Import into eclipse

  1. download a modern version of eclipse. This should have maven and git included by default.
  2. file->import->git->projects from git->clone URI and clone as specified above. It will go through a sequence of windows; it is important that you import as 'general project'.
  3. file->import->maven->existing maven projects

Sometimes, step 3 does not work, in particular after previously failed attempts. Sometimes, it is possible to right-click to configure->convert to maven project. If that fails, the best thing seems to remove all pieces of the failed attempt in the directory and start over.

Import into IntelliJ

File -> New -> Project from Version Control paste the repository url and hit 'clone'. IntelliJ usually figures out that the project is a maven project. If not: Right click on pom.xml -> import as maven project.

Java Version

The project uses Java 11. Usually a suitable SDK is packaged within IntelliJ or Eclipse. Otherwise, one must install a suitable sdk manually, which is available here

Prepare EpiSim

The following steps are necessary to setup this EpiSim toul with the starting point of a standard MATSim events file and teh regarding population:

  1. Filter the events so that you only have the needed events --> use FilterEvents class
  2. You can remove plans from you population to save memory --> use RemovePlansFromPopulation class
  3. Add home to agent attributes (if this information is missing) --> use AddHomeToAttributes class
  4. Add district as a attribute of each agent (shapefile needed) --> use DistrictLookup class
  5. Setup jakarta scenario --> JakartaScenario class
  6. Run scenario --> RunEpisim class


The MATSim program code in this repository is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation (version 2). The MATSim program code are files that reside in the src directory hierarchy and typically end with *.java.

The MATSim input files, output files, analysis data and visualizations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. Creative Commons License
MATSim input files are those that are used as input to run MATSim. They often, but not always, have a header pointing to matsim.org. They typically reside in the scenarios directory hierarchy. MATSim output files, analysis data, and visualizations are files generated by MATSim runs, or by postprocessing. They typically reside in a directory hierarchy starting with output.

Other data files, in particular in original-input-data, have their own individual licenses that need to be individually clarified with the copyright holders.