
A Yocto Project for the Device Update for IotHub

Primary LanguageShell

Building a Custom Linux-based System with Device Update for IotHub Agent using the Yocto Project


This repository contains a Configuration Files which hold various information that tells the Yocto build system what to build and put into the image to support Raspberry Pi 3B+ hardware.

The build system generates a base image and an update image (armv7l, or arm32), both containing the Device Update agent and its (runtime) dependencies.

This is a showcase of Device Update's Image-based updating capability.

For more information about the Device Update for IoT Hub, see the link to the source code of Device Update Agent


Before getting started with this project, please get yourself familiar with the following topics:

Getting Started

Get Source Code

Please note that, at the time of this writing, we only support honister release of the Yocto Project. Keep in mind the following environment variables that will be referenced throughout this document:

Variable Name Description
$yocto_release A name of the version of the Yocto Project used to build the images.
(Only support honister at the moment)
$proj_root A root directory where this project will be cloned into.
  • Clone the Yocto (Poky) project

    # Clone project with Yocto configuration files
    git clone <github url> -b <branchname> $proj_root
    cd $project_root/yocto
    # Clone the Yocto Project (poky) into 'yocto' dir
    git clone --depth 1 --branch $yocto_release git://git.yoctoproject.org/poky
  • Clone SWUpdate meta layer. SWUpdate provides an image-based update that support dual-partition.

    # Clone swupdate meta layer 
    git clone --depth 1 --branch $yocto_release  https://github.com/sbabic/meta-swupdate
  • Clone the Open Embedded meta layer. This layer include many modules (or layers) needed for building a Linux-base system.

    git clone --depth 1 --branch $yocto_release  git://git.openembedded.org/meta-openembedded
  • Clone the Raspberry Pi meta layer. Since, the reference image that we are building is for a Raspberry Pi 3B+ hardware.

    git clone --depth 1 --branch $yocto_release git://git.yoctoproject.org/meta-raspberrypi
  • Clone the Azure Device Update meta layer.

    git clone --branch $adu_release http://github.com/azure/meta-azure-device-update
  • Clone the IoT Hub Device Update Delta meta layer.

    git clone --branch $adu_release http://github.com/azure/meta-iot-hub-device-update-delta
  • Clone the Raspberry Pi with ADU meta layer.

    git clone --branch $adu_release http://github.com/azure/meta-raspberrypi-adu

How To Build The Project Locally

Install Build Dependencies and Tools

For more information, see Yocto Project Quick Build

# Install build dependencies
sudo ./scripts/install-deps.h

# Checkout a desired 'poky' branch
cd yocto/poky
git fetch
git checkout -t origin/honister -b my-honister
git pull

# Initialize build environment
source oe-init-build-env

Build The Project

# Run from project root folder
./scripts/build.sh -c -t $BUILD_TYPE -v $BUILD_NUMBER -o $BUILD_OUTPUT_DIR [optional build arguments]

For example, the following arguments were used to build the IoT Hub Device Update from the 'develop' branch at the commit#e099aac

# Run following commands from <projectroot> directory
# NOTE: Must specify the specific 'branch' and 'commit' for iot-hub-device-update here

./scripts/build.sh -c -t $build_type -v $build_number --adu-src-uri $adu_src_uri --adu-git-branch $adu_git_branch --adu-git-commit $adu_git_commit --do-src-uri $do_src_uri --do-git-branch $do_git_branch  --do-git-commit $do_git_commit --adu-delta-src-uri $adu_delta_src_uri --adu-delta-git-branch $adu_delta_git_branch --adu-delta-git-commit $adu_delta_git_commit -o $build_output_dir

If success, the output image file (adu-base-image-raspberrypi3.wic.gz) and example .swu update file (adu-update-image-raspberrypi3.swu) shold be located in $build_output_dir/tmp/deploy/images/raspberrypi3 directory

├── adu-base-image-raspberrypi3.wic.gz
├── adu-update-image-raspberrypi3.swu

Build Pipelines Status

Board Branch Status
Raspberry Pi 3 honister Build Status