
Routing directive for Vue.js, inspired by ng-view.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Routing directive for Vue.js (v0.11), inspired by ng-view. Based on v-component thus benefits from v-transition, keep-alive, wait-for, transition-mode.

Allows you to declare your routes on the $root Vue object:

var root = new Vue({
    el: 'body',

    routes: {
        '/home': {
            componentId: 'fg-home',
            isDefault: true
        '/work/:work': {
            componentId: 'fg-work',
            afterUpdate: 'updateHeader',
            data: {
                defaultColor: '#3453DD'
        options: {
            hashbang: true

with minimal markup:

    <div v-route></div>

vue-route extends the v-component directive by @yyx990803 (on the vuejs repo). Buy him a coffee if you can.

Get started

1. Install with npm/component(1): npm i vue-route --save or component install ayamflow/vue-route.

2. require and install the plugin:

var Vue = require('vue'),
    route = require('vue-route');

Vue.use(route); // BOOM

3. Put the <div v-route></div> in your main template.

4. Pass your routes to the $root VM of you app (see example above).

5. Profit !

Additional infos

  • routes definition: when you pass your routes to the $root, you can pass several properties:
    • componentId: the Vue.component id for the associated template/VM.
    • beforeUpdate: a callback (method or name of method on the vm) to call before effectively changing to this route
    • afterUpdate: a callback (method or name of method on the vm) to call after effectively having changed to this route
    • data: an object that will be merged with the view's $data. This is useful when we need to use the same component for different urls but using different data.
    • isDefault: boolean indicating wether this page should be the default, in case of non-existing URL. Think of it as the otherwise from Angular, so basically a 404 or the home page.

beforeUpdate is a middleware, this means you need to call the next function provided as the third argument, to continue routing. This allows to prevent a route based on some condition.

Vue is augmented with an additional method, Vue.navigate(path, [trigger]). [trigger] is a boolean (defaults to true) that will pushState if true, replaceState otherwise.

  • The router will emit events on your $root VM: routing:started, routing:beforeUpdate, routing:afterUpdate.

  • You can pass a options hash to pass configuration to the router:

    • hashbang boolean (defaults to false) to use '#!' urls
    • click boolean (defaults to true) to automatically bind all click to the router. Not that if false, you will need to explicitly call Vue.navigate method)
    • base string (defaults to '/') to specify the base path
    • broadcast boolean (defaults to false) if true the events will be emitted using the $root $broadcast method, so all child VMs will receive the event until a handler return false;. If false, it uses $emit.
    • debug boolean (defaults to false) to activate logging from the directive.

Location context

When the router emits an event, 2 parameters are passed: location and oldLocation. Like in Angular, it is an object containing some useful properties:

  • regexp: the route regexp, such as /items/:itemId
  • path: the current path, such as /items/razor/
  • params: a hash of the params from the route, here {item: 'razor'}
  • componentId: the componentId associated to the current route


  • fork & PR on dev branch.
  • if possible, add tests to cover the changes.
  • code style: 4 tabs, semicolons. Check the code if in doubt.